I’m pretty sure the changes that CCP made were intentional (I’m waiting for them to make 0.6 and above moons available). They’re moving away from the common ores in high-sec, rare ores in null-sec paradigm and instead moving to a yield-based system. High-sec moons are low yield and take very little time to mine a moon field, while the lower the sec, the better the yield, and there’s also the high-yield moon ores that you won’t see in high-sec.
This will definitely change the pricing landscape for T1 minerals, but as long as the mining rate remains the same, the average costs for products across the market won’t really change, as any drop in the megacyte/zydrine will get a comensurate increase in tritanium/pyerite/etc. Miners that pay attention to the market will shift their mining to match the best prices, and the prices will reach a new balance.
They already have done that with the addition of 0.5 moons. What you lose in yield, you gain in convenience of not having to warp to a safe every time someone enters local*. You’ll still make more in null-sec, if you’re mining a moon with good moon ore in it - the ones available in high-sec are only the gases. Get yourself a Loparite/Monazite/Xenotime/Ytterbite moon in null and you’ll do far better than a high-sec miner. It’ll just be from moon goo rather than minerals.
*Assuming Local is actually working at the time and the chat server hasn’t crapped itself.