New AI-Run Corporation Is A Glimpse of Things to Come

I created a character where all choices are fully decided by chatgpt. Race, bloodline, name, what to do and which steps to do next. It tends to answer in generalisations and takes some forcing to actually MAKE a decision but so far it’s interesting. I’m now trying to make it decide what items to trade in and other specific things seeing if trading as a whole would work out.


That was a reference to the bots in VotS. You’ll see them when/if you go hunting there for genuine pvp

Last I checked, 3rd party programs were against EULA…

Did you just admit on the public forums that you are botting?

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Chat GPT cannot fly their ships lol. Now calm down.

That’s what they want you to think…

They being our A.I. overlords.

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Oh well I guess. :man_shrugging:

I think this is a really interesting project, in fact, you inspired me to set up a custom GPT to help me with using and creating corp projects for my corp. Been having lots of fun with it and it has already given me some solid ideas.
That said my model needs work as it still has issues with game mechanics (not knowing the limits of what players can do with respect to creating missions) this though is matter of training I think.

What I’m really curious to know is if you are integrating info from the eve api and esi(?) to ingest your player data and inworld stats. Or are you manually training with screen caps and text rips of websites? How much does your GPT know about the world? (Especilly trade stats) And even more important is it making sense of what it ingests? Are you feeding forum posts to analyze analyze player sentiment and propaganda?
What other data are you ingesting?

Of course you may not want to answer but inquiring minds want to know.

So many questions…

And despite the negative responses here, you can bet your last isk that a few will be busy “just trying it out” to see what the fuss about.) Frankly, why wouldn’t you want to experiment with this to see how far you can take it? ( Famous last words). Remember, it’s a game and we’re here to have fun. And I can honestly say playing with chatGPT has been enhancing my fun, and my corpmates and that’s good enough reason for me to do it.

Fly safe (or not)


Great post and good questions, most of which I’ve been wondering about as well. Ive just joined this corp the other day to try and lend a hand (and learn) and be a part of this venture. Im extensively using GPT tools in my r/l corp and it will be interesting to compare notes.

I anticipate that this Eve corp will be reasonably transparent going forward. This is new to all of us in Eve (and elsewhere) and together we will experience this on a level playing field. Its my hope that as other corporations add AI capabilites, we publicly share the experiences and results, good or bad with each other.

Ive recently used Skyrim mods to give my companions AI and the results have really enhanced my experience there. The blend of
AI and gaming is a given. A year or less from now most of us will have our own AI wingmen perhaps.

My personal challenge is to find the bloody time to participate. I think AI will resolve that soon enough.

Yeah, this is an odd mindset some mmo’ players have.

What can AI do that players can’t. Well for one, it probably be dps that doesn’t “stand in fire”.

some then goe well that’s part of the mmo experience. dealing with the idiots “standing in fire”. But then they rant on that still.

Or they go who wants to play against “bots”. that too happens with real players. FC says jump, you ask how high. FC says warp to X, you warp to X.

X is in a bubble, you are now in the bubble. Now you and X are getting picked off in said bubble. Die, reship. repeat. If an SRP home, submit at the the end of the night.

Then do it all again next op.

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