New Dawn Initiative: Political Asylum for Caldari Citizens

Strike Commander, apologies, I have been away for a few days but wanted to thank you for your polite and reasoned response.

You say the idea of Caldari of accepting a help from Federal citizen could be treated as a collaboration with an enemy. Is that really the case? Many Federal registered corporations are heavily involved in the life of the state. Quafe is a member of the PKN consortium and there have been reports of Aliastra even applying for megacorporate status. It is examples like this that I think of when hoping for a better future.

You mention the notorious actions of the Federal Navy in State territory. This issue appears to have diverted the discussion away from the original proposition of offering political dissidents asylum. As you say yourself, it is important but does not actually answer the question about what can be done in relation to the original topic. I could go on about how the people of Placid and Syndicate have suffered at Federal hands but will take Mlle Jenneth’s recent advice on that approach to heart.

I will happily shoot Gurista ships all day. There is no love lost between them and the Syndicate but I’m sceptical about whether that will actually help. That said, I expect Mlle Jenneth would also advise me that pointing out other explanations for the current turbulence is likely to be counter productive so I will leave it there and just repeat my thanks for your reply.