New 'Drifter Crisis' Event?

Thanks for the tip … very intuitive … and seems you have to click one first to get the focus for the mouse wheel … at least I did

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And why can we not side with the Drifters … keep their WHs … and so Anoikis free of the taint of K-Space?

I think you have to die and then your brain sucked out and replaced with organic computation matrix goo for that. Sounds messy.

Looks like the Caldari home systems are being targeted by the invading forces again. And for anyone wondering which faction to join to boost support, the dedicated reporters of New Eden News have posted the current scoreboard! Can you guess who’s winning? (No peeking!)

Can I take it lower skilled players are intended to be excluded from this event? Even the hacking requires high cruiser skill to tank damage. They send an email out to everyone urging participation but then turn around and make it impossible for everyone to effectively participate.

You don’t need to tank damage in the Hacking site, I’ve done it in T1 explo frigs. We take newbros out on fleets all the time in all sites as well.

Where are these sites located?

Opprotunites->interstellar events->pick a system and fly to it


Sure. The only thing you can do with one character is hacking. But there is no permanent hacking task, so players with 1 character just ignore this brilliant event.

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I’m speaking specifically about the Race for the Hives hacking sites. Because videos show that they have cloaked mines that require at least a dual tanked cruiser to tank the damage and it’s not a walk in the park even then (i.e. these mines will 1-hit a T1 frigate).

Not that it really matters. You can’t simply hack anyway. You have to do all the objectives, which makes bringing a hacking ship impractical. You need something capable of doing everything. A Gnosis, Prophecy, Brutix and the like seem to be the more viable option. And you need a fleet for the other tasks making it even less accessible to people with lives outside of EvE and limited time.


Yes I was talking about those sites as well. You can avoid getting hit by the mines by not flying into them. Today’s patch also lets you focus on just one site.

So they are no longer cloaked, but visible?
Do you know the trigger radius of the mine’s explosion?
Will the explosion still 1-hit a T1 frig if you do manage to get too close?

You have always been able to see the bubble radius of the mines, don’t fly in it.

You can do the relic sites with a T1 frigate and average skills - all the Drifter Collections are yellow hacks and the sig is only level II. You don’t need to tank or shoot anything if you pay attention to the bubbles. If you can’t see the bubbles, you might have to increase your graphics settings.

I used this fit with no issues

[Probe, *drifter]
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Damage Control II

5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Scan Acquisition Array I
Relic Analyzer I
Scan Rangefinding Array I

Core Probe Launcher I

Small Emission Scope Sharpener I
Small Emission Scope Sharpener I

Core Scanner Probe I x16