Yes, So is RNG. So by this condition alone, loot systems in all games are in violation of the law.
True enough; I do not think the “law” sees it that way, obtaining loot in the “normal” fashion can only be done by playing the game, however “game of chance” implies that it can be obtained by paying, directly or indirectly, with real money. If there were no way of getting ISK by paying real money I doubt that there would be an issue but since there is it does.
If you really want an official answer if this suggestion of yours is “valid” or not, you’d have to contact Support and have a GM give you a formal reply. Based on EULA I’d say it’s not going to happen.
What do you think about the latest event where you had to pay 14 milion isk to get a “Loot box” after completing various other tasks OR not.
You could buy the Ore-Key and pay the “isk” cost in so called “Casinos” in space. All this in the name of an ingame Event. Where the reward was obviously a lootbox. With rigged chances to get various items.
This was a direct gamble event which pretty sure have gone agains evry of theese so called gambling laws. And the EULA itself. As ISK is obtainable by paying real money for PLEX and turning it in for ISK.
How is this suggestion any different from what CCP already practiced recently?
As a designer, I see the economic value for a company in loot boxes and spin wheels. I personally hate them, find them tacky, and would likely never add them to any game If it was my choice.
The problem is that (often) gaming companies have investors that want more and more money. If this greed was not a factor things like loot boxes etc would not be needed.
For eve, I am looking at ways to create more immersion in the game. Isk to isk casino’s i find to be a really interesting way to do that, though i would never really do it myself, i think the idea of a casino ship flying around in a big pvp fleet as something to be done while waiting for pew pew, would be insanely hilarious and fun.
There were in-game casinos that you used ISK to possibly win ISK/ships. CCP banned all games of chance, including those.
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