Accelerator Mutaplasmids (not the accelerators) would become a new item drop in abyssal deadspace available in the New Eden Store. These variants of store bought Mutaplasmid technologies would apply to both non-expired and reactivation of expired cerebral accelerators. Players are still free to use un-augmented cerebral accelerators ‘as is.’
Technically, CCP wouldn’t be selling skillpoints; only selling the mutaplasmids that offer a ‘chance’ to gain more training speed from an accelerator that drops from in-game events, recruiter rewards or constructed by players from blueprints.
Harder to ‘Brick’ Accelerators:
Unlike applying mutaplasmids to modules (or even ships as discussed in CSM 13 minutes), it is much more difficult to ‘brick’ an accelerator’s usefulness due to the primary and secondary attribute system. As long as any two of the five available attributes are boosted, someone can find a skill plan to plug it into. Of course, there are going to be more popular attribute pairs depended on the skills people want to train.
RNG System for Active and Expired Accelerators:
Accelerator Mutaplasmids would alter any of the individual attribute categories to either rise above or below the base boost, up to 100%. The chances of making even a single attribute +24 from a base +12 accelerator would be phenomenally low. On the flipside, there is a chance individual attributes could fall to +1 or 0. Booster duration could also factor into RNG roll. These duration and attributes would more likely roll worse when mutating an expired accelerator.
Could stimulate side market for min/max attribute map trains for high skillpoint characters. Event Accelerators turned into abyssal accelerators would still expire normally not expire; giving confidence to traders listing them on contract.
Player requests to scrap the attribute system altogether:
This is not a sensible thing to do if the goal is finding avenues to monetize. The concern is that new players may ‘wreck’ their character by using up all available remapping opportunities, having to wait a year before they ability to remap. Removing the timer on remaps or removing attributes altogether and giving everyone the same base skill train speed would in effect prevent new players from ‘wrecking’ their attribute mapping; however it would also remove all consequence of choice.
When Tiancity operated Serenity cluster, and likely when NetEase takes the reigns, attribute remap tokens were available in the game store for approximately $10. The year long timer still remained, but the choice to bypass was available. This is not pay to win, only pay to access faster.
Attributes ultimately still have relevance with the diminishing returns cap on skill injectors after 80m SP. It is far more cost effective per SP to buy an accelerator over an injector and train with enhanced time.