New Eden systems security rating

I’m still checking the sec status of systems 11years into the game. It’s pretty integral to the risk/reward system of eve.

Yeah it still makes a difference.

CCP got rid of agent quality but the best payouts are still in lower sec systems.


I’ve argued for the removal of the security rating for a long while now, my friend. You and I both now those stupid numbers will not go away anytime soon but I see you’re having fun on your thread. We’ll, that’s that at least.

^^ THAT ^^

Why do you say “you” when you’re actually talking about yourself?


I thought the numbers on the gates were some kind of address or something, lmao.


I too like that idea. It would b much more interesting if we didn’t know what to expect and what we’d get.


:heart: :joy:



Neither would I.



Han!! Where the heck have you been? I missed you in game! You left me high and dry and haven’t logged in for months!
How are you?


I don’t know about ‘dry’ but I know I left you ‘high’ LoL
I been busy abroad getting justice for myself and by god did I get justice! I paid my three lawyers and still have enough to retire on, courtesy of the American government. It took 8 years but I can say now it was way worth the wait.
I’ll be logging into EVE as soon as I can get into my new house and hook everything up. Tell me you still have all my stuff and the isk I gave you to hold.

Back on topic. That security rating is so ridiculous that most new players can’t make heads or tail about it.
It’s bad enough that it’s called a “security rating” while it has nothing to do with Security but it’s even worse when CCP uses it against the players.


OMG Han! You finally got what you been crying about for so long? I’m SO freaking happy for you! I hope that will give you back the inner peace you deserve. No one should’ve been subjected to what they did to you. I’m so happy for you! :heart:


I have everything you entrusted to me and every isk as well. But we’ll chat about all that in-game when you finally log back in.

Yes I forgot about how CCP uses it to shove us around. If the sec rating didn’t exist a lot of those crappy changes might have been different, even beneficial to us players. That resource reshuffling, for example, wouldn’t have happened because there wouldn’t have been a need to try and shuffle players there or there.


Thank you very much. Yes, it’s calmed me down a lot. I don’t want to choke everybody to death anymore, lol.
You should’ve seen how they squirmed in their chairs on the other side of the courtroom. Just watching their faces while the judge read the compensations they are to give me was worth all time I waited… almost. My real satisfaction is my kids though. They also get Justice and I wanted that for them more than for me.


I don’t know what happened to you but I’m glad you don’t want to choke everybody to death anymore :smile:

Indeed. It has nothing to do with Security at all. I think CCP aimed at confusing players, at least new players, or they would’ve named it differently, like simply Systems’ Rating or Space Rating. The fact that they introduced “security” in the name tells me it was about confusing players and the fact they haven’t changed the name for it in 18yrs proves the point.


That’s really awesome. I can’t wait to see you in Amarr space! Some things have changed with the game, you might want to read your forum mail for the announcements and read on the updates. I fear your manufacturing operation may be over, unless you like jumping through useless hoops to accomplish what was possible to accomplish in two clicks.
OH, and I’ve got your Stabber. I just tested it on NPCs, that’s all. It’s still in one piece and I replaced the ammo.


If you won a court case against the U.S gov. then I salute you!


You are right. That is why I do not post often although I do read the threads. Too many mean trolls on this forum.


Keep it. I’ll get me another one. I’ve got enough ships as it is and one of my alts already lost a Stabber as well so it’s no big deal.

Thanks, I shall. I know CCP likes to change the deal on us every month or so it’s required reading on top of the time spent in game :roll_eyes:

I don’t think I want to manufacture anymore anyways. I want to concentrate on P.I and PvP now.

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@Brisc_Rubal @Mike_Azariah @Jim_Halescott What do you all think of the Sec Status?

Just ignore those people. Once you know why they come on the forum all you have to do is deny them that which they came for.
I read your posts in the french section. Is english your second language?


Wow thanks! And it has a skin, too! I appreciate that :heart:

Well, still have to go to those websites for the game so “required reading” is pretty much a must in EVE. I spend more time on the internet reading about the game than actually playing it, lol.

We can practice PvP together with M’fune if you like.

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No it’s my third. Second language is Dutch. I’ve been learning English for two year now. Google translate help a lot.

Yes but the things they write is just ugly. Don’t make me want to participate. This thread is one of few threads I post in since I joined.
You should respond to my thread :slight_smile:


Google is our friend… well, was. You’re doing well in English, congrats.

I’ll try. I’ll use Google translate then you can make fun of my french, lol.

Back on topic or we’re gonna get dissed. What did you think the first time you saw the security rating on the gates and on the map?


I thought the numbers were for show, like vanity. You know like planet names in science fiction: LV-426 in Aliens and so on. But then I noticed the colours on the map: green, yellow, red… then I went to internet and read about it and thought it’s quite dumb to have that but it doesn’t bother me. I think all security systems the same: you don’t pay attention you die.


why are you dragging me into this unsanity?

I am going to go feed roses to the unicorn in the garden

(Oh and smartbombs on the Jita undock would make for some fantastic fireworks along with Titans destroying the TTT in perimeter.)

boobies, the lot of you…



Calling for backup, eh? LOL
I don’t care one bit what Rubal, Azariah or Helescott are going to say. The Security Rating for the systems has never been a good idea as far’s I’m concerned and a New Eden without those stupid numbers next to the system names would be a breath of fresh air.
Everything already mentioned above doesn’t need those numbers at all.
Take away the numbers, make all parts of space one part of space and everything you explained about the topic will remain the same.
Again, the numbers don’t dictate anything. CCP does.

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