Hunt ? You need to ‘hunt’ miners who are sitting there in droves right next to big juicy asteroids that they exactly return to after each ore offloading ? That is on par with having to ‘hunt’ grass in my garden.
I can see why gankers like to pretend it’s all like some mysterious dark art that only the high priestesses know about.
If miners adopted good practices and moved away from hubs to quiet systems then gankers would have to hunt. The fact you think they have it easy is because miners make it easy.
While I have little experience ganking miners and even less experience getting ganked as miner, I have experience in a similar relationship: explorers and the people killing explorers.
As explorer I thought I knew the ways I could get caught, just by thinking of all the possible moments of my weakness where someone could come and kill me.
But it wasn’t until I tried to catch other explorers that I got to know some of the difficulties for that role.
If you wish to grow as miner, try to kill some other miners to learn how your enemy, the ganker, thinks and what difficulties they face. You may get to understand that role better and be more equipped to counter them.
Miners mine where there is stuff to mine…whose location isn’t exactly some secret guarded by the ancient Elders and accessible only after initiation into the Dark Coven !
Maybe I should get an Orca and start mining the sheer amount of BS on this forum. That would certainly lead to an age of plenty.
Who said anything about mining in Uedama, or indeed any other high traffic systems ? Nice diversion…but the actual issue was the farcical claim that gankers have to ‘hunt’ miners, which is on par with hunting cows in fields. I mean…the system even tells you where the local fields are !
You make it sound like stealthy big game ‘hunting’…but the reality is it’s zero difference to driving down the road and you’ll soon come upon a field with cows or horses in it. Miners are everywhere in Eve, the idea that anyone needs to ‘hunt’ them down is just absurd. Its not like gankers have to warp through 100 systems to find one…or would even have to even if all the miners were in low traffic systems.
You haven’t refuted or ‘explained’ a single thing. The statement was made that miners have to be ‘hunted’. I pointed out that such statement is ludicrous…and it is.