New Eve Low

I sound like someone that looks for a reason why some people deny to see the reality…

Yes i have plenty of opinions, Eve is not dying.

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Given the old days of the forums being fun and edgy (which we all miss)- and the new age mod tyranny, maybe I agree - i don’t believe i have said anything in this thread that isn’t veritas - eve is in the worst place it has ever been, ccp management are actually to blame - and I guess they are so arrogant and aloof, that who am i as a customer / client
to suggest such?

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Yes from 60k to 20k in 6 years is not dying…but it neither is far away from this status…

Aren’t there like dozens of threads about these exact same subjects? :thinking:

Why are most of the casuals gone?

Because all is well with this game?

Seems to me the market judges with its feet…

This is not a PVP loss…it’s PVE and casuals that have left the game…the group of players that were blamed to be the minority by PVP for years…now we all see how “minor” this group was…

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Typical herd mentality, all games have to be the same because one market is bigger than the other.

There are millions of PvPers worldwide, EVE doesn’t need high maintenance, entitled to content updates, care bears. PvPers create their own content.

Besides all that it is plain naïve. In order for EVE to complete in that market the UI would need a complete rewrite. They would need WiS, content updates every 6 weeks.

Fools Errand.

Better to spend the money on new titles and let EVE be EVE.


Just a quick question, so what?
I’m still having fun doing my thing, so why does the player count really matter?

If it’s EVE’s time to go, then oh well. Sucks, but I’m gonna be enjoying myself until it goes down proper.


Joking apart are you paid to try and defend on the forums - the way PA / CCP are now with this cash grab it wouldn’t surprise me

Hardcore post seeing the loss of players…all is well and all that leave are just those that don’t understand the game and never learned how to play the game right?

Well if the loss continues you will have your whish…in 2 years you can play with 5k…all of them you will know personally…and all of them will greeted by CCP gm per personal handshake…

May the last turn off the lights…

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This sounds fantastic, to be honest. No more whining about PLEX prices, no more crying about bumping or ganking, no more cowards afraid of cloaky camping. Just a bunch of great players who are good at the game able to mess around and have some proper fun.


I’m going to my bed - good night men of the internet - hey - ccp upper management haven’t sold out for corporate greed a while back - this game is in a good place sarcasm - we are where we are. good night

I WISH they would pay me…do you have a contact address? :slight_smile: maybe they do…:slight_smile:

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And 2 months later the game closes because it’s not profitable anymore…

Brave new eve world…

I still didn’t get a reference on why PvP games drives away people.

I guess all the FPS games, different variations of battle royals, multiple MOBA games, several RTS games, a few TCGs and now the new kid on the block “auto chess” games are all doing it wrong?

I mean, it’s true that Super Mario Maker 2 is rising in popularity, but I wouldn’t say that PvE games are dominating the top popular games.

Too Late, by now EVE is Dead

Do you have any idea how many players have declared EVE dead over the years. They come, the whine, they go.

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It always strikes me as weird that it’s almost always these type of players threatening the end of the game, when we have people who are subscribing dozens upon dozens of alts per single player out in nullsec.

Besides, what’s your point? Are you demanding that CCP lower PLEX prices in game for you? That CCP make PvE easier for you? That CCP personally give you 5,000 PLEX just because you’re threatening them with the game shutting down?

I got very important thing to say! And that explains it all!


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He’s demanding no non-consensual PVP (or maybe no combat) in Hi Sec. He never changes his demands, only his posting character.


for the first time in the last ten years