no worries… Grammarly says it’s ok. SO I don’t know what kind of English you expect. I am not native either. And English is not even my second language. Some people can not understand…
But most people do Esp. the ones who wants to understand. This subject is not nice for you and I fully understand why you don’t want to understand
short for long…
You are effectively spread positive vibes about the new UI. I read your posts… And they are nice and positive.
I also read also the other player’s posts in the same thread.
There are hundreds of posts far more intimidating messages towards CCP s work comparing to this OP’s post. much more heavier comments and critics .
New UI took days and weeks of work. Just for something no effect on gameplay and mechanics.
Totally visual aesthetic.
Just like CCP’s work on gate animations, On suns in-game… The appearance of Jita. New skins
No effect on Gameplay.
You tell people to give some time to CCP to optimise it right ? Calm down their backlash.
So much time so much effort for a UI that cannot measure with the older version. And when it is done … IT will probably do the same function as the older version… but just
"looks nice "
This OP alone here.
He says he wants Launcher "looks nice " to him and for the rest of %10.
He asks 3-second work effort.
He asks for a wholesome approach.
Now you are here
You are criticising him … Because he wants something "LOOK NICE " for him.
In the UI thread hundreds of people asking for functionality.
And Criticising CCP because they just changed something we get used to …And you do support CCP and tell them Give them some time, These issues will be solved. And i believe you. CCP did this because they want :
to make it " LOOK NICE "
Now, this is your Hypocrisy.
New UI is totally visual upgrade. And lack of many other aspects that old UI has. %80 percent player base there used large spectrum of intimidating words about CCP. Because CCP messed with something to make it "look nice "
we saw your attitude and posts.
Here there is a one man . Asking for something "look nice " too.
Yes he used some words. Created backlash… i cant see the same backlash from player base in the UI thread… they do use heavier words than him there.but they are just …not minority there you know …. Also i kinda begin to normalise that toxicity in eve online forums People and moderators doesnt seem like bothered. … have you seen all those insults people used for me ? They are still there . They did not remove it . So seems ok for them. They did not removed the OP post either