New Launcher And Colorblindness

You’re not missing much, no worries.

no worries… Grammarly says it’s ok. SO I don’t know what kind of English you expect. I am not native either. And English is not even my second language. Some people can not understand…
But most people do Esp. the ones who wants to understand. This subject is not nice for you and I fully understand why you don’t want to understand :slight_smile:

short for long…

You are effectively spread positive vibes about the new UI. I read your posts… And they are nice and positive.

I also read also the other player’s posts in the same thread.

There are hundreds of posts far more intimidating messages towards CCP s work comparing to this OP’s post. much more heavier comments and critics .

New UI took days and weeks of work. Just for something no effect on gameplay and mechanics.
Totally visual aesthetic.
Just like CCP’s work on gate animations, On suns in-game… The appearance of Jita. New skins

No effect on Gameplay.

You tell people to give some time to CCP to optimise it right ? Calm down their backlash.

So much time so much effort for a UI that cannot measure with the older version. And when it is done … IT will probably do the same function as the older version… but just

"looks nice "

This OP alone here.

He says he wants Launcher "looks nice " to him and for the rest of %10.
He asks 3-second work effort.
He asks for a wholesome approach.

Now you are here

You are criticising him … Because he wants something "LOOK NICE " for him.

In the UI thread hundreds of people asking for functionality.
And Criticising CCP because they just changed something we get used to …And you do support CCP and tell them Give them some time, These issues will be solved. And i believe you. CCP did this because they want :
to make it " LOOK NICE "

Now, this is your Hypocrisy.

New UI is totally visual upgrade. And lack of many other aspects that old UI has. %80 percent player base there used large spectrum of intimidating words about CCP. Because CCP messed with something to make it "look nice "
we saw your attitude and posts.

Here there is a one man . Asking for something "look nice " too.
Yes he used some words. Created backlash… i cant see the same backlash from player base in the UI thread… they do use heavier words than him there.but they are just …not minority there you know …. Also i kinda begin to normalise that toxicity in eve online forums People and moderators doesnt seem like bothered. … have you seen all those insults people used for me ? They are still there . They did not remove it . So seems ok for them. They did not removed the OP post either

I like logic and integrity… IF these are not your thing …No worries . You don’t miss anything.

CCP is not agree with you :butterfly:

And I am grateful for that. They just need to follow up and present their kindness with longitudinal integrity with a little fallow up touch.

Thanks bud

Rock on

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Seems like pandering too me not actual concern. If it was they would take it into account anytime they updated parts of the ui and we wouldn’t be here.

I dont know how many friends quit with me or just after me … i stop counting … was so many …some find me when they come back to game which normally they check in with me too…

Here is the real issue :

CCP always support players who “bring new players into game” with streams, youtube videos, blogs ect.

I haven’ t been one of these.

I have been one of these WHO KEEP PLAYERS IN GAME , bind them together, i have been a bridge builder. I knew so many players , but context has never been profit oriented. I have introduce corp leaders to corp leaders to grow aliances, i have sent and vouch for pilots i grow into PVP to join these organisations and i am proud of every each of them .
i have been a very active content creator and very alturistic around that. I work so hard to develop NPE strategies to increase retention . And i proof they worked.

I was not too much up in front in sense of set my name out… i like to stand bit laid back… may be that was my mistake.
But there has been also so many peoole who knows me and care about me. And that was great honour and fulfillment for me …

I guess… CCP just saw me as one women … I think rest of the player base and me they lost ….seems like some kind of colleteral damage for them, but i dont know what they gain for it .and it is increasing every week ,so be it

If you change your mind and would like to play i can help you to meet some good people to play together and enjoy.

If you are trying to get a point across, then being clear is paramount.

You cannot expect readers to conform to your delivery.

Conciseness and organization are your friends, and be aware of your audience.

Some may be reading this on a tablet or phone, and excessively long posts will often get skimmed at best - outright ignored at other times - and neither help get your message across.

If all else fails, then maybe post in your native language in the proper forum section,

Blaming the reader for your delivery is the last thing you should do.

–Helpful Gadget


If they dont want to read then they dont … and they dont need to answer too.Right ?

Again, blaming someone else for a speaker’s or writer’s ability to communicate clearly is garbage.
This isn’t interpretive dance.

That’s nice. Learn to code switch.
My Southern friends all understand me when I start speakin’ REAL Southern.
Other friends just smile and nod, because I can almost become indecipherable to them.
It helps to know your audience.

Dear gadget … person over there mentioning that “ you are not missing so much no worries “
to be able tell that … he should first understand than dismissed the ideas .

Those are two different people…
One was asking for clarity, the other piped in with a bit of trolling.

Ignore the troll, and restate your message - or at least the parts that were missed.

That requires that the ideas are clearly communicated first.
It’s not always the poster’s fault that someone else cannot understand what is being communicated, but sometimes it is. It’s best to just try and restate your point, and eliminate a variable.
You’ll either fix the bridge and get the point across, discover a flaw in your delivery, or find out that the reader doesn’t have capability to understand. Or you’re being trolled… that happens when people get to hide behind masks.

–Professor Gadget


If functionality is important . Not appeareance … why you are advocating new UI and arguing against 200 people in new skill UI dev thread . In that thread people using far more harsh words than this OP against CCP … CCP made lot of changings just for the sake of appereance !
one after another ! Full dev thread !

Here there is one guy . He asked 3 second work from CCP for appereance ! So it looks nice for %10 . So they can enjoy the proper looking Launcher too.

Why same people who defend the CCP s totally cosmetic works on other thread … here beating someone for the same thing ( not same actually what he is asking required less effort , less time 3 sec work !And bonus ! Will not ruin already working UI or will not cause eye screeching gate flashes ) why ?


Well…no…but that would be a pretty awesome addition to the forums:

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Its a lot easier to see in your peripheral vision a color changing bar than some very small words.

Why are you folks so angry? Just mentioning an oversight by CCP that interferes with the mental processes we have been doing for years.

FWIW, colorblind mode is complete trash too.

That’s not what OP did.


The way things are right now, it’s not fair to blind people, why can’t they also enjoy EVE?

Unfortunately, that is not enough when you want to spread your message to a broader audience.

Anyways, is not about the text. It’s abut the subtext, things that goes unsaid* but still have an impact o how the audience will perceive your message. Getting the tone right can be as important as knowing what you want to say.

*for several reasons, some valid, some not so much. Either way you need to deal with it.

What I have seen is mostly people telling you something along the lines of “sorry, I don’t get your point” rather than “there is a flaw in your reasoning” (Sure, there is a bit of “I don’t really care” in some instances. But way less than you assume IMHO).

And, while the structure of your text becomes a bit sketchy for my taste at times, grammar and vocabulary is not an issue. Specially considering is not your mother tongue.

However, as I said in the previous post, there is more communication than just the text itself. And quite like there is people that have difficult distinguishing color(or plaint out being unable of) so it happens with that extra dimension of language.

And that bring us to discussions like that, where someone try to explain his issue with something he don’t even have the physical capacity to perceive/understand when about everyone else takes the thing for granted.
Worse part: the people saying they don’t see reason for the frustration are not trying to be mean*, they are really blissfully oblivious of what the issue is. There is nothing the people with the issue can do other than trying to figure a way to deal with it mostly by themselves.

*not ruling out a moron or two. Just not as likely to be the case.

I checked the sketchy ‘s meaning, No. On the contrary… what breakes people is mostly because of my writings are very truthfull… i dont sugat coat , that is why people cannot say no you are not telling the thruth… because they know the second they claim that i can easily come with 200 proofs… and they know it … there was nothing sketchy in my post .

Mostly that drives people crazy because they know it is true, And thats why they begin to go ad hominem to derail and pull attention from their fallacy and diect it to something else like my language skills.
I am damn honest and open person to the meat and bones… and i dont hold back …it generally disturbs some people with spesfic traits .

New Launcher And Colorblindness - #119 by bluelysian Read this …
You can tell whatever you want… but you cant chage the facts… i will remove my posts where idefending myself in row like 2 days. It is out of subject , derailed and begin to build up on peoples critics about my english skills… This is disturbing .

“it’s not me, it’s everyone else”. Ok.

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And now I realize I could have done the same and avoid this misunderstanding. (pitfalls of using a foreign language

I’m not accusing you of being dishonest. If anything you seems to be too sincere at times. For your own good, let me stress that.
What I tried to say is that the way you organize your ideas in the text makes it a bit less functional than i like. Which have a lot to do with my job and how sensitive i became with text that are supposed to be extremely well structured but are not.

Case in point:

Working as inspector for the government, I’m yet to find a single instance where having “hundreds of proofs” is any better than having just enough (often ‘the proof’ is just the result of a single test/evaluation). More often than not having “too many proofs” leads to be seen as overzealous, stubborn and unreasonable. And I mean even by the people actually benefiting from your “overzealous” attitude.
And if that is true in my job, then is hundreds of time more true in a forum about a “silly videogame”.

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At least we agree that is everyone else. :woman_shrugging:

PS: /sarcasm. Sorry but I couldn’t resist. (not that I even considered to try :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)