New Module: Directional Shield/Armor Reinforcer

reinforce lateral shields,shunt reserve energy to thrusters,intensify frontal firepower…engage…pa-ka pow…pew…pew…

Do you remember 9-4? Imagine that for every fight with more than like 50 participants

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Lets see… 6000 players, + drones, + fighters, + random bystanders who videoed it, + all objects currently in system, + all npc’s spawned in system all requiring a facing check and we expect the server to continue to improve in TIDI… er… speed?

Based on the potential for the new killmail format containing ship movement vectors, yes, the server would be able to know, with at least a reasonable degree of confidence, the direction your ship is moving.

Part of what kills off this idea is the fact that EVE isnt a space-flying simulator where your ship could strafe (with or without forward/reverse momentum), or maintain speed in a random vector while the ship itself rolls, rotates, or spins in all 3 axis. Plus if you’re orbiting something, I believe you’re almost always going to be orienting your ship so that the top half is aimed towards it.

WRT to armor and structure hp, it’s simple enough to assume that those values are based on the “weakest” areas of your ship. Taking the Vigil as an example, reasonably thinking, a few well-placed shots to the upper portion of the “mast” might not mean complete destruction, but would be enough to cause catastrophic issues.

Source for your potential? Otherwise not actually a potential.

Gimme a few, gotta dig up the issue off github.

github is not ccp.

When it’s posted there because it’s being ran past the people who use killmail data the most, ESI devs, it is. Dont start some spergfest over “but it’s not on the forums, it isnt official” ■■■■■■■■.

The server knows your vector yes. That is not the same as a ship facing.

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For the server, your ship is a dot with a direction-vector. Nothing more.

There does appear to be an aligning vector, the direction a player wants to move, in addition to the actual movement vector that is used on the server. This is how someone can do an MWD slide or fight the direction of being bumped. This may or may not coincide with the actual direction vector of the ship tho. In 3D modeling, IIRC, it is common to store direction vectors(up, forward, right) in a matrix, with the position vector being squeezed in there as well. The velocity vector is often stored separately. But it all depends on what format the devs are using.

But even if an aligning vector were to be used for determining hit direction, I would have to agree that the processing hit could be significant when taking thousands of ships into account. Performing vector math or even matrix math for these calculations is a bit more intensive than regular addition or multiplication.

Well yes. There is a desired vector. Which is basically your acceleration vector. But that again has nothing to do with your facing.

Was just trying to point out that if the devs were using a matrix format, which is common in the industry, the direction vectors(facings) and positions are automatically stored. All the required info to determine hit direction is already there. However, as it’s been pointed out that this game is just submarines in space, and no barrel rolls or spinning on all axis is required, conventional algebra and geometry would suffice. Which in that case, you may be right, as a direction vector(facing) may not be required, and therefore may not be able to calculate hit direction. We just don’t know which format they are using, but may be moot, since processing power may be the bigger factor even if hit direction could be determined.

This is mostly for fellow game mechanic nerds out there. :nerd_face:

TL;DR - As far as my experiments can tell, facing is not calculated on server. Implementing hit locations may have a high hurdle.

Was a little bored and curious. Did some observations after a few gate jumps. Once decloaked, the ship was stationary and usually facing aligned a little off perpendicular from the vector to the sun. Set a bookmark so I could have some reference of movement. Hit MJD, from zero speed, and ship started spinning on its axis, while automatically setting to max speed. Noted that ship movement vector was aligned with vector toward sun, this seems to be the default “desired” vector after a gate jump. Also noted that ship movement did not leave this vector, ship spun on axis, trying to face sun, while staying on “desired” vector. Facing did not seem to be a factor in movement. Once MJD spooled up, the jump proceeded, but noted again, ship facing had almost, but not quite fully aligned with movement vector yet.

The evidence does seem to suggest that the game server is not using matrices or any other data structure to store ship rotation(facing) data, at this time. Instead, as many have already posted, the direction vector(ship facing) is likely being calculated on the fly by the client. Or at the very least, the server isn’t utilizing facing data. Just thought some observations might help out.

Tried some of this as well. Activating mjd after decloaking from gate always sends you toward the sun.

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