New Pilot, how do i buy my pilot tons of skills?

It won’t work. You will spend a fortune and just get your pilot to the point where you are flying a ship you don’t know how to use and cannot afford to lose.

Then you will lose the ship.

Keep in mind in PvP there is no “fair matchup”, your first encounter will likely be 5v1, it is not like other games where max gear makes you powerful.

It just doesn’t work that way, max gear makes you poor and still doesn’t help you win.

One of the above posters probably started this thread with yet another alt, just so that they could…reply

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yeah ofc obvious troll is obvious
but we can have some fun anyway eh

I mostly just hope it’s legit because I think it’d be hilarious watching someone dump $1k in cash for a bunch of SP, only to realize he doesn’t know what to do with it.

Helps keep EVE Online subsidized for the rest of us.


yeah i hope so
to me there is nothing better than a clueless noob thinking he will pay to win/ min max/ power play EVE
there are people here that play this thing for a decade ++++++ and them some random kido thinks he has all figured out, i will just get my wallet and , such a magnificent fail

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Purchase 1 x Omega Sub along with 2x Multi Character training.

Train the 2 MCT pilots for extraction only

Improved Implants can generate 45 skill points per minute on each
Takes time but soon you can have your very own boost of skill points to fast tract you into the t2 or t3 ship you want to fly.

Only do that method above if you know you will be committed to Eve online for many months possibly years to come.

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Oh op doesn’t really need to know?

We can certainly hope it’s a troll post.
But I still have my doubts.

you buy the plex> buy skill injectors from market, inject skills. there is no limit. at 280m sp i am gettint closer and closer to winning the game with having every skill.


There is no real pay to win in eve - only pay to cut training times and pay to cut on isk grind…
Because you can’t inject “ship fitting L5” or “ship piloting L5”. Those you have to actually learn yourself.

  1. Go to map and set destination to Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
  2. Buy as much plex as you can
  3. Sell plex
  4. Buy as many “large skill injector” (or “small skill injector”, depends on the amount of skillpoints you want) as you want
  5. Go to character sheet and on the bottom left you can apply skill points to the skills you want.
  6. Enjoy :smiley:

Someone set me straight, He told me to just buy a character from the character bazaar. And I am not a troll. What do you mean by calling me a troll? I don’t get it, I am just asking a simple question.

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Go onto the Eve store and buy the PLEX package that has 15400 PLEX and then in game, buy injectors and then inject the SPs. I think you have to do that twice and then you have won Eve…

:boom::dizzy: Congratulations :dizzy: :boom:

Don’t waste money on skill injectors and stuff, just buy 3000 PLEX :credit_card: and in exchange of that I let you join my corp and will grant you an in-game medal (that you can use even after leaving our corp as well so no limitation there) which medal you can showcase in your decorations tab on your public profile, which will state that you have won EVE or whatever else may fancy you. :wink:

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