New Pilot Protection - Ganking Immunity in High Security Space - Limited Time Only

There’s a simple solution. For players that want “please don’t hurt me” namby pamby land, give them a system where they cannot be attacked in any way by other players, with the exception that anything acquired in that system, and any ISK made cannot be removed from that system, and nothing can be imported or sold into that system from the outside.


They do have it already: Test Server

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That’s called Serenity.

The problem with these cowards is that they want all the safety away from the risks of interacting with other players, but conveniently forget that pretty much everything, including the market, requires interacting with other players.

Did your mind slip?? I think you meant Singularity.
Serenity is the other CCP…


Be me
Expensive Haul
lol just rolling a throw away alpha with throw away email to haul my ■■■■ in a rookie ship.

You’re right, late night forum posting, lol.


The server will crash in less than two days as highsec drains into it like someone pulled the plug out of the bottom of the ocean.
The gate campers waiting for someone to leave will starve to death as their eyes dry out from staring at an empty overview, and…

Wait, did you say that no communication of any kind could come out of this system?
… Nope, you didn’t, but add that and I’m all for it.

It would be like a black hole!
Only more hilarious.

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Learning the hard way is the best way.

Being ganked as a newbie is like being spanked as a kid.
You will remember in the future what you did wrong.

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Can’t say this would be in the best interest of the player… ship loss will be one of the things that really determines whether that particular individual will continue playing Eve or not and I would instead prefer there was adequate coverage for getting that player back on their feet to continue.

Perhaps a special Level 0 mission that can be accomplished once per ship-loss per-day that rewards 5 million ISK that re-trains them on core concepts. Like going to the DMV to remove a point from your drivers license after getting into an accident.

Generally speaking though, pretty much all the newbro corps or helpers will happily give out ISK for Frigate replacements so I feel like the community is already covering this gap to some extent.

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