already mentioned:
Just don’t leave your MTUs out too long if you are running more than one mission in a row; there are players dedicated to hunting out deployed and unattended MTUs. Usually they are also builders and sellers of MTUs as well (nothing beats creating demand for your product).
There are ones that prefer if they are not unattended.
Thanks for the replies. I got the concept entirely wrong, seems like it lasts forever as long as you dont leave it there. And what do you know I lost my MTU because I didnt mark it. Now Im trying to find it with combat probes. I skipped all tut except security, just wanted to shoot things. Hard lesson to be learned here.
It’s all uphill from here, bruh.
Welcome to CCP’s creation.
Hardest lessons make for the very ones not likely to be forgotten. Problem with EVE is, some lessons are very expensive and better learned ahead of time.
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