Not quite the right category I’m sure, but it’ll have to do.
I used to play the game quite a bit (3 accounts) way back in 2006-2009, I’ve just re-subbed for 3 months to see what has changed.
There is a whole lot of polarizing things in Eve online, from the very heavy focus on grind to the rather brutal nature of the game itself, that said the part that I believe is the most punishing and brings the least value to the game itself is the excessive skill training requirements.
Now before any veterans out there freak out, I don’t believe that removing the whole skill system is viable or even desirable, however there are little things that could be omitted that would improve the new player experience without really having much of an impact on veteran players.
It’s really the little things:
Mechanics 5, Drones 5, Capacitor management 5, CPU/Powergrid management 5, Gunnery 5, Missile launcher operation 5, Navigation 5, Industry 5
And so on, the list is quite extensive; Anyhow what do most of those skills have in common? Most players who’ve been around for a bit have them, new players don’t and it all adds up to a significant road block for new players.
It doesn’t really matter what profession people chose, pick any half decent mining ship, mission ship, wormhole ship ETC ETC, you’re looking at weeks if not months spent on skills that everyone else likely already has. Given that the average new player doesn’t stick around that long anyways, you can probably see the problem.
Just picture this… you invite a friend to start playing EVE… he/she gets all excited pays for omega, installs the game… “So when do we get to play the game together?” Uhhh… well… I guess you could salvage my missions… or haul ore… maybe we could mine and you could make peanuts while I make millions… (Heck… the ISK from mining with MAX skills is already pretty abysmal, god forbid doing so on a fresh character in a venture.)
Imagine the disappointment of getting all excited to play a new game and then being told… yeah the shiny ship you saw and liked… well thats 60 days of skills… minimum… you’ll still suck with it, and thats on the off chance that you can grind the ISK for it by then. How many new players will stick around? well… we have the numbers for that and to say that the numbers aren’t great would be an understatement.
I personally have just short 52 million SP, most of the skills that I’d recommend removing or simply giving to new players have already been trained, so this change would do absolutely nothing for me. Despite having 52M SP there’s a bunch of things I want to do that are still stuck behind months of skill training, I can only imagine how much more frustrating this would be on a fresh character.
IMO the basic support skills should just be baked into all characters, and MAYBE give them a head start in their chosen race by including S/M/L Weapon skills and ship skills to 3
I just felt the need to rant about this one thing because it just seems so patently absurd that nothing has been done about this in the 10 years I’ve been absent from the game. New players are the lifeblood of any MMO, and really the skill system as it stands basically strangles that source of new blood.