New Structure Asteroid Bases

can we please have a small Asteroid Bases with single service lines?

I think they’d just look cool, nice little haven to go to, place to do our own little projects, nothing massive, but just a little something?

honestly i think it will simply add a nice level of flavour to structures, perhaps is player owned FOB’s become a thing maybe asteroid bases can be one of them

or add the cool funky asteroid bases and allow us to elect any structure as an FOB

just figured i’d ask.

Edit: instead of hollowing out an actual asteroid, perhaps the structure could be designed and shaped like one, this way it can hide among the space rocks

alternatively perhaps when you place a structure you can select a different model for it allowing you to change the shape of it cosmetically, but it simply function the same as the existing structure… so you have an athanor which does all the athanor things but it looks like a giant space rock or small constructed moon.

what would something like this do? Aside from look cool, would this add value for small groups? or single pilots? mods?

Being a small structure, it would be easily kill-able. Depending on their cost, high sec would be littered with them. But on the plus side, easy to destroy.

I’m assuming you’re talking about the mini-fob “outposts” that already exist in missions?

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What if we made the base a tower and put a giant shield bubble around it? Wouldn’t that look cool?


Small “bases” were promised years and years ago. Probably never going to happen. Don’t know why they couldn’t add them though. The models already exist and are in several missions. But, there are also ship models that exist in missions that we will never be able to fly.

Because we’ve had POS towers for a loooooooong time. As was asked above, why?

We do? Which ones?

Towers still exist, but you can’t use them for any kind of production. They are now simply deathstars with a shield bubble.


I’ll see if I can find some pics. They are angel ships, and they are different than any available player ship. A frigate and a cruiser.

They perfectly fit the role of a Forward Operating Base. Not everything has to be focused around industry.

I know, just going by what the OP said about a single service line, as you can’t manufacture anything with a POS anymore. They are still quite handy and much, much tougher to take down than a medium citadel.

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Would love to see those.

Which makes total sense, right?

Yes, it does.

A POS tower is a little bit of infrastructure to handle the modules and a massive shield generator. It doesn’t waste any resources on needless life support, artificial gravity, or superstructure for the vulnerable meat bags inside, like a Citadel does.

It’s a well known fact that a small, well provisioned and well defended keep will withstand a siege for far, far longer than a city with thousands of citizens inside.

With the amount of real estate on a citadel, you think it would have more offensive potential. You have a point with the shield/defensive aspect - but citadels should have more firepower.

The large ones do…

Could be one reason you don’t see many medium citadels in high-sec.

Most moon mining citadels are Athanors, which are medium structures. The downside to having them in high sec is that there are certain offensive and defensive capabilities that are only allowed to be installed in them in low and null sec.


You can still do a lot with a POS. I’m starting to think there’s a concerted effort to hide that fact. POS still aren’t used for production though so I’m suspecting there’s niche uses people don’t want to become known.

Cost is also a factor. While a medium Athanor in high sec will only cost you around 4 billion to set up, a Tatara, which is a large mining citadel, costs upwards of 30 billion fully fitted.

I’m sure that’s the case (maybe not in high-sec, but…)