New Wardec mechanics - can't wait!


You lost a number of bling ships in a major battle and avoided big battles afterwards and then the contract ended. I happen to know someone close to the defenders… :stuck_out_tongue: And in fact I was in one of his fleets doing the boosts. When Vendetta etal had given up.

I am waiting for valid criticism, so far I have not seen anything that meets that criteria.

As for the carebear bit, I had that as you defining people as calling for hisec to be safer…, sort of a carebear type sneer in my book.

Ok, final response before I remove notifications for this thread.

We’ve been through this already.

I’m not going to get into this with you. Claim as much knowledge about what went on as you like, but seeing as you’re trying to tell director of the former VMG how it went, I’ll take your word for it :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you’re blindly ignoring everything that is being said here.

Then tell me it’s not true. I’m not sneering about carebears. Without “carebears”, as you put it, there would be no EVE. They are the most important players as they produce everything that is used in game, either through running data/relic sites, mission running/ratting or through mining in one of it’s forms.

It’s not these “carebears” who moan about wardecs. The most common threads complaining about mechanics are about wardecs and ganking. Both of these mechanics lead to a lot of dead nullsec players or their alts. If this isn’t about making hisec safer, then why are we discussing it? Why bother making any changes?

And now I’m actually done. You are obviously going to blindly ignore anything anyone says so why bother continuing to go round in circles?

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It only takes one step into the wrong direction to get lost, but many more steps before one realizes it.

You have not detailed what you mean by that, I said earlier on in this thread that claiming that you are putting bling ships at risk means nothing. We do it all the time.

Of course you know more about this than me, I never said otherwise, there was a defeat of your fleet, which was a good fight, then you did hit and run stuff which you mentioned and then a bit later a friend of mine was running Tornado fleets and I came along without being in the wwar to do boosts. During that fleet they mentioned that the war dec groups were no longer involved as the contract ran out. I took that to be Vendetta.

All I have seen is feelings and people saying that there will be a different outcome based on their feelings, hell I don’t know what will happen, but I do know that having a strategic objective to force fights does work in Eve and maybe it will work in this area.

They are activities within Eve.

It is not about making hisec safer, it is to make war decs more interesting and create fleet content. Also many war deckers don’t like the state of war decs at the moment. Why do you think most people run around hisec in one man disposable corps? They are not engaging with your content.

I have a feeling that CCP will just impose something on you soon, way worse than what I proposed.

Most of the time yes, not to hunt tho…
I don’t need an alliance to go hunt

so many fekking windmills.

So much Quixotian jacknobbery.

I’m not gonna trash any individuals here, but I would strongly recommend cessation of this onanistic roundtable of wankitude. If there are NO announced new wardec mechanics in the works, then this thread simply devolves into being a cheap replica of the dozens if not scores of ‘waah wardecs are bad because XXX’ and ‘here’s my amazingly complex solution to a relatively simple problem’ threads that already exist, have existed, or are happily rotting in their digital graves.

i’m all for continued discourse, but keeping it to a single thread would be the ideal… instead of perpetuating the long-standing tradition on the forums of a handful of people carrying their rolling verbal brawl across a score or more threads.

As things stand now, this is pretty much like Michael J Fox at a circle jerk.
It’s all over the place.

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No one kills citadels for fun…
Everyone kills for different reasons, but fun ain’t one of them

Dom, when the citadels were changed a lot of people went out in hisec and blew a load up, maybe because they could, and that it would clear the spam and so on, but part of that must include the fun of blowing stuff up, hence fun. When those citadels on your killboard went boom, was that a fun moment for you?

You did 9 in one day 24th Feb 2018…, you were with a group of lads, probably on comms exchanging banter having fun.

When citadels came out, people wanted to see how fun it would be to pop them.

They found out it was more boring than bashing a large faction deathstar so most stopped doing it altogether unless it was contracts…

And no, it’s not enjoyable… after mining, it’s the second most boring thing one can do

I have had some fun fights on citadels, just saying… The Devils citadel that was a fun fight, wasn’t it, when the Culture came in and kicked the hisec mercs rear ends a bit.

Here is the BR:

Well I’m not you.

You’re so self-centered you don’t want to see the problems with tying wars to structures that were pointed out above.

Case closed, I’m out of this fake news thread

The only thing that changes is that the war deckers have something that can be attacked if someone has the balls or attitude to do it. and in return they get some watch list type information and a reduced cost when war decking large alliances. Seems like a good deal…

they already have stuff that can be attacked
and no one does

you can’t change the mechanics to try and get people to act when they ultimately still won’t give a fish about wars

While that was a bit of beauty, what you do not prefer to acknowledge is that the only reason that happened was that CCP had already fully castrated the targeted war lifestyle many months before. That thing was content bait solely because they had already fully shat upon to the point of breaking the way of life we Devils upheld.

PIRAT and PE went after it simply because they expected to win due to us being primarily retired.
Friends were called in, debts were accrued and things happened. And then that thing happened.

I’m not saying we could have saved it if they hadn’t cut our balls off. I’m saying that it would likely have never been there in the first place if they hadn’t done that thing. We dropped a structure as a hail mary attempt at some kind of content we could enjoy, and it sat there for MONTHS before anyone felt comfortable enough to risk it.

It’s just a troll though.

Like what exactly, I see nothing to force a fight.

And if there is a way to force a fight and to get back at them I expect that will change.

That was a meaningful target, it meant something to you and to them, my proposal creates a meaningful target that has an impact.

Look at what I am suggesting as a strategic objective. And my proposal includes a CONCORD agent that supplies location and activity data when you speak to them. That is part of it.

Sorry mate, you lost it here, I have talked about this on the war dec discord, it is most definitively not a troll on my part…

It was not any more meaningful than a nightcrawler skewered by a hook in hopes of hooking a big lunker in a lake.
It was bait.

We sold it after the hilarity.

You seem to forget that ships deployed to engage in warfare are also valuable assets put at risk. if you undock 20 bil in ships, you risk 20 bil in ships. On that day PE and PIRAT surely did not walk away feeling that they had risked nothing to try and pop the fortizar. The killboard spoke otherwise.

Just because most carebears would rather hide under their bunks than actually deal with a war does not mean that they are defenseless. There was that newbcorp that fielded a swarm of kiddies and popped a few of PIRAT’s T3’s when they were challenged. I would not say they lost in their engagement.

Ultimately I see no need or reason to have some kind of structure involved when it comes to wars… for us it generally meant a sizeable chunk of time listening to mongolian throat music while bs’ing and watching the numbers tick down. It was a good bonding experience, but engaging? Hardly.

Well as war deckers you will be defending them not attacking them? And I think a number of nullsec alliances will do it, I expect a queue to go after PIRAT.

What both of you fail to realize is that that cancerous state of affairs came to be because of the exact same reasons that are killing activities all around New Eden.

Lack. Of. Commitment.

The people you wardec should feed you kill for no reasons? In real life people fight wars because they can’t just logout. If they lose, they lose access to that river, they lose their homes, or have to flee, disputes are tied to something.

You want to defend the status-quo out of a fear of losing targets, status quo that asks for tons of wardecs for the hope of some kills. So much that you can’t see that it is that very status-quo that is reducing it.

You wish people won’t defend or attack those structures, but I tell you if you make people have to commit to succeed, they will, not all but those with the drive to fight will and will get the others behind.

It’s all about what you want, a cancerous, still-alive but barely, status-quo, or a solution to this.

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