This is a complicated system you’re proposing.
Far too complicated for a new player.
New players are already overwhelmed with choice, when they start. This proposal just adds another layer.
New players have a difficult time understanding how to engage with the game. Many new players know no one who plays EVE. There is no CCP manual or rule book. This game is, or was for me and others, a combination of trial by error and a mentoring process.
One of the loudly proclaimed reasons people advocate for a rework of the war dec mechanic is new players, and how difficult the current application of the war dec mechanic, in highsec, is on new players.
Your proposal just worsens this situation in my opinion. Taking a mechanic, which as it stands now, is literally player group versus player group, and making it into a combination of player v. environment and player v. player, adds layers of complication.
Right now, if a new player enters the game and is either smack talked or in some manner insulted, or aggrieved, they can create a corp and war dec their aggressor, and at least try to participate in the game, in what the game considers a “legal” manner (no suicide ganking). It’s pretty straightforward. Open corp, then war dec, then try to exact revenge/justice (depending upon view point).
My point is a new player can engage with the game and their surroundings (other players) in a reasonable amount of time.
Your suggestion eliminates that ease of access entirely.
I urge you to “stream line” your idea, keeping in mind those new players that would like to participate in war decs.
Don’t make it so complicated a new player has no choice but to join an already established corp to even try to play the game.
That’s my two cents on what you outlined.
p.s. If your point with this proposal is to change the game’s war dec mechanics in such a manner that a small group or solo player can no longer participate in war deccing, I mean literally than you must belong to a reasonably large corporation to participate, then please disregard my wall of text. I misunderstood your proposal entirely.