[Newelle Family] On Seeking Justice

You murdered a distressing percentage of those you recovered. Even if you no longer believe that was necessary, you still claim One Million (!!!) (Capitalized, Even!) (Amazing!) freed slaves to your credit. You present it like a credential, or a noble title.

Maybe you’re not actually being tricksy about this, though. Maybe you really think you should be congratulated for saving all those people, even if you did substequently murder piles (like, many, many mass graves’ worth) of them.

I can’t agree, though. Helping you do such a thing … maybe I didn’t know. But I guess I was a slaver at that time, myself.

Stains on my life.

My words wouldn’t be empty based merely on a failure to invade. It’s failing to respond to an EM aggression that might make them empty. As you knew.



Uh, Deitra? I apologize if this is a rude response, but, I don’t think I really understand why you’re saying this.

(Deitra Vess: another person who generally seems to say what she thinks.)

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It’s funny, Aria, since it’s not even that unique of a claim these days.

Am I making a big deal out of something trivial, Samira? I’m not quite sure what you mean.

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I meant the whole ‘rescuing one million slaves in one go!’ thing.

For all intents and purposes, Seraphim, you still are.

What EM aggression would that be? I just opened the history to double-check, all of those wardecs were inbound, not outbound.

Where is the illusion? The lie?

It was at the time.



It is an awful lot of people. As Mr. Nauplius demonstrated, you can’t even fit that many into a single freighter. So, actually, it is maybe just a little impressive.

But … yeah. Tainted.



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I was talking about a hypothetical, but seemingly promised, future aggression-- as, again, you knew.

(Are you trying to add “sophist” to your titles? Maybe talk to Arrendis for lessons? These are way too easy to track; I’m not even really getting tired.)

As for the past, EM’s presence was a hostile force intruding into Amarrian affairs. We can put the responsibility for sparking Thebeka mostly on the Blood Raiders, but as Ms. Kernher confirms (we share an interest in integrity, though she might be more focused on “honesty” as a specific value) their presence at Thebeka wasn’t just humanitarian.

(Even if it had been, they’d have been fools to try and we’d have been fools to believe it. Would you welcome the Praetoriat to bring humanitarian aid to outlying Republic worlds? Maybe be careful how you answer; “never” is a long time and you might find yourself getting quoted.)

Anyway, as Lord Consort Newelle suggests, the main focus for Imperial loyalists at this point is to work out who the actual perpetrators are and … get something done about that, hopefully.


Well, that’s not quite what I said. I never said it wasn’t humanitarian, only that aiding the rebels was likely part of the goal right from the start. Supporting the rebels is not ‘not humanitarian’. Being humanitarian does not mean simply ‘nonviolent assistance’. It can also mean attempting to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

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Uh … I don’t think I quite said otherwise, Samira? I said it wasn’t just humanitarian.

I guess I get what you mean, though. Hm. I suppose EM would think of their work in broadly humanitarian terms, so in their view it might all be humanitarian? Even the bits that involve …

… you know, I think I’ll save that for another time.


I suppose you wouldn’t remember this about me, Seraphim, but I don’t deal in hypotheticals. Strictly in absolutes. If I say a thing, you can be very sure that at that moment in time, it is the thing that I believe to be true. Talk about violence, especially between entities who’ve fought previously, and I’m not looking for hypotheticals. I’m not interpreting the secret meanings and casting runes to figure out what you’re really getting at.

Now I think maybe when you make these accusations at me, you’re really just projecting, Seraphim. Is that it?

Not rude at all, I probably should have made what I’m addressing more clear since looking back it wasnt really at all.

What I was meaning to refer to was the fact that, yes there are those who you can’t see a point listening to. Those that are so tied up with their own “narrow views” or whatever you wish to call it. People like myself aren’t nearly as tied to our stand points because we aren’t fully a product of it. I was freeborn and aside from my grandparents stories and my grandmother quietly praying in times of distress I wasn’t exposed to it. Those you don’t pay heed to are the ones who know much more than those like myself. At least to me it’s understandable they aren’t as open to alternate ideas because they’ve lived alternate ideas that people like myself can’t boast for lack of better words. You want to know more or at least wanted to (believe you still do), this is why you face hostility and stonewalling. They’ve seen negative sides I don’t believe you’ve been exposed to and I know I haven’t. Nothing has been done to reshape the land so to speak so it’s scars lay to bare.

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I’m not defending anyone, simply making an observation resulting from a claim. I had the pleasure of conversing with Miss Aria Jenneth and she is simply an infuriating moral relativist.

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Sure. Only … the world’s full of scarring experiences and wounded people, Deitra. I only remember a short portion of my existence in this world, and I avoid sleeping in Caldari stations because their quarters carry an association of helplessness and imprisonment.

I lack my predecessor’s pain, but have a little of my own already.

I don’t think those experiences help us see clearly. I think they bend and distort. Especially, they blind those who are bent in such ways to the damage that they themselves can do to this world. And if I listen, very very closely, and not very critically, I might absorb enough of that pain that I could be blinded, too.

The world doesn’t seem short on people completely capable of inflicting horrors on each other in the name of their own pain. I don’t see that we need more. Actually, given the chance, I wonder how many methods there are for blunting that kind of jagged knife.


Look at all of this…

I wonder if Ms Jenneth can guess what I might be thinking right about now.

Shut up and kill the bad guys?

Um. I really wouldn’t presume, my lady.

I apologize for a personal … something … getting mixed up with this. I’m not sure I can say that the opponent didn’t need engaging.

Lord Consort Newelle did seem to like some of my remarks. I drew some encouragement from that.

Should I not have?


Lord Consort Newelle,

I hear your call and I will be honored to offer my services.
I cannot, however, intervene into internal Imperial affairs, but any external enemy of the Empire and the State can easily be designated as my target. I cannot intervene into Empire-Kingdom relations either. But as soon as you find the traitors and they will be expelled from under Imperial protection, I will gladly open fire on them.

For me, as Caldari, there is no greater filth than traitor scum. Those, who betray Homeland, those who betray whom they served for to fly with their former enemies. Would it be Caldari, flying with Republicians, or Imperial pilot going to support Federation or Republic - they are the worst our cluster can puke out.

Traitors deserve no respect, no mercy, no forgiveness, only cold and obliterating Justice.

And would you need my help to stomp down traitors or fight off another terrorist attack, another tribal invasion or any other misfit trying to break Imperial order, bring destruction and death on unsuspected citizens, I will offer you my guns so you can bring Justice to all of them through my barrels.

And I’d like to finish it with repeating your words:
Evil MUST be destroyed.

D. Kim, Strike Cmdr.


Meanwhile the Gallante wait for you to do so, to leave your post to help an ally in need…


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My Lord Newelle,

I devote my talents, my sword, my life to God and The Empress, and place them directly at your Lordship’s and Admiral Newelle’s disposal in the quest to root out the evils that plague us.

Order me, and I shall obey.

Ensign Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris.