Yeah but think of the pay-out from selling the court-drama dramatization rights.
Actually, I don’t really mind being a cult figure in certain quarters of the State. It’s usually how it goes in Caldari society if you are seen as being ‘outside the norm’ either you end up ostracized or oddly enough, fetishized into a cult figure or celebrity with a popular fan-base.
I certainly don’t mind if people put posters of me up on their break-room walls, or watch some NOH serial based on my certainly fictional adventures. I am after all, sexy as ■■■■.
Well, dissolving of the guilty in slander corporation might be a sufficient punishment for the offenders itself accumulated to hit to NOH’s reputation, since it was their daughter.
I like the fact that NOH punished offending producers themselves even without the tribunal hearing. Which, however, could bring way harder consequences to the NOH itself. If I was representing the mega offended that way, I’d be almost satisfied with that and would leave NOH on a condition that those scriptwriters who were working on Bakkomolu would be presented with charges of slander.
But once again, I am very happy that Bakkomolu is gone.
Caldari Corporations that tolerate slander shall not exist.
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