[News, speculation!] Twenty Fatalities in Poisoning Incident Aboard Rens Station, Weaponized Psychoactive Suspected

You do realize I wasn’t seriously blaming them right? It just seems like the go to nemesis even when the facts point elsewhere for quite a few. Believe me, the empires not even registering as a possibility with recent events in mind.

Still do believe the current tangant in discussion is pointless however.


Fair enough. And I believe I agree.


I sort of agree with Lok’ri. I already said this on the IGS, but everything seems to slot together a bit too neatly for my tastes. It is all just a bit too obvious. I don’t know any more then the rest of you, though.

I am, however, glad that Chakaid lost a clone. Tool had it coming. And if it was him then I hope it’s but the first of many attacks to come.

Not sure if the stables had it coming. What did it ever do?


Our peoples may disagree on just about everything, I would hope smiting those who attack us both would be one of the few we could stay in lock step on.



why would anyone have a grudge against horses ?


The targets are unimportant. This seems to be about the messages being sent.


I don’t know, Aldrith. There’s a case to be made that the targets were the message. And if that’s true… if the putz that’s clearly the obvious suspect is targeting baseliner relations…

Well, that’s a really bad precedent to set when you’re dealing with unscrupulous bastards who casually throw away entire planets’ worth of annual GDP. We have a tendency to make our retaliation… excessive, and disproportionate.


And said party might be counting on that. An agenda is being pushed. People need to consider who is playing who and see the larger forces at play. This is less personal than it seems.


Who do you think was behind it ?

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That’s a large assumption, Aldrith.


Then the guilty party is very clever, because that is no reason not to retaliate in the face of many deaths. It’s so easy to turn the other cheek when you’re not the one being targeted, but less so when you are.


I’m not sure anyone’s saying that the correct approach was to do nothing, Isha.

Sometimes Amarrian Holders might act in a manner that looks direct and unsubtle-- and, just sometimes, it really is. Holders are human, too; their emotions can run hot, their tempers flare. But the odds are strong that that’s not what’s happening.

Samira’s a direct and forthright person, making her reactions somewhat predictable. She’s now staked a lot on the idea that Chakaid ultimately functions in a similar way, that his true motives are the obvious, visible ones. Knowing his background, was that a wise bet?

I guess we’ll see.

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I cannot rightly claim to care about the ulterior motives of any Amarrian in all of this. If he attacked a Republic station he must be made to pay the price, and admittedly, I would not be too sorry for him even if it later turns out it wasn’t even him.

The Amarr disregard for life is well documented, and I am sure the various Holders on the IGS will want to play their game of politics. I am just glad we don’t have to rely on them for retribution.

Nothing would ever get done.


The question isn’t so much, will anything get done. The question’s more, who will it help, in what way, and, relatively, how much?

A taste for swift action might serve you well when the situation’s clear. Isn’t it lucky you don’t have any inconvenient ambiguities or vagaries to worry about? Not everybody’s in such a fortunate position, though.

I wonder whether even you always will be so lucky.

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And forgive me if I doubt that the power games between Amarr Holders will help anyone but themselves by anything but a miniscule amount.

Swift action is precisely what is needed here, which certainly doesn’t rule out further action in the long term. For those who have “ambiguities or vagaries” to worry about, I cannot truly say I feel much sympathy. My sympathy lies with the dead, the wounded, and the missing.

Not the miserly power games between Amarr. It just isn’t relevant right now, and neither are any hypothetical vagaries I may have to deal with in the future.

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Well, like I said: I guess we’ll see.

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Allowing the fear of ulterior motives to paralyze you would cripple you in the end. It genuinely doesn’t matter what ulterior motives there may be. Someone attacked kin. Family. They struck the one thing capsuleers have in limited supply.

This can never go unanswered. This can never be allowed without a price paid.

Letting it go unanswered will never be the right thing to do. So they may have ulterior motives, so what? You are still doing the right thing, and when or if their “ulterior motives” come to fruition, you do the right thing again, and again, and again. The moment you cower back and shy away from doing what’s right, simply because you fear what they may have planned, you’ve become as much part of the problem as they are.

Some Khanid shitpail wants to screw around with my kin? Attack civilians in our space? Well, then he will pay the price for it. It’s that simple.


Just to head off the ‘what if someone else did it to provoke reprisals against the Khanid?’…

Then maybe the Khanid should make damned sure to uncover that kind of deception. If the Khanid sa-Baron wants to claim this wasn’t him, and he doesn’t want this coming back squarely at him and everyone around him, he should find those who are responsible, along with sufficient, independently-corroborated evidence, to make the case.

Until then, he should watch his back, and hope the people he calls ‘subhumans’ prove to be far more humane than he is.


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