NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

A lot of people would save themselves a lot of trouble by simply watching that video in OP and seeing why NFTs and crypto and P2E should be avoided.

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I posted the abridged translation of Hilmerā€™s interview about NFT and P2E on reddit and this is what I got few days later.

Look. This is the true color of NFT devotees.
How the hell did this guy assume I bolster the NFTs and P2E up in that posts contexts ?
I have no doubt these dudes are brain-dead and are trying to squeeze and grift you in any considerable forms.



Tell him if he pays you $1500 CA$H upfront you give it a try. :wink:

For $1,500 cash up front Iā€™ll give anything a try. :woozy_face:

$1500 isnā€™t that much for me to sell my own soul to the evil :unamused:

And apparently CCP is telling somethingā€¦


KiraTV is a YT channel that is mostly MMO related but covers a lot of NFT hilarity. Well worth watching.

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I wouldnā€™t trust someone with the name of Kira

Iā€™d not trust someone whoā€™s name is derived from the word ā€œaurumā€ to talk about and promote NFT.

I made up this name when I was a teenager and is the first time Iā€™m hearing about aurum. Kira is a name that appears in many different places while I have never seen an Arumi Liz. Sorry for being original unlike your boy.

Donā€™t get brazen now

Yes what coincidence your character was created around the time NFT got hot and all you talk about is NFT, p2e and bitcoins. I bet you all planned this at BOBā€™s summer BBQ in 2006, in no way itā€™s an alt to promote RMT in various ways.

I think I understand why you like playing this game. You like to make up conspiracies to try and manipulate people and this game gives you an outlet for that.

Yeah that must be it.

Well it is.

Aurum means gold in latin. So if Arumi comes from Aurum, itā€™s more likely it comes from a latin word than an unused MMO-specific word that actually came from that latin word.

So yes, it can as well be a coincidence. Claiming otherwise is BS.

You are the reason why this forum is unhealthy. Itā€™s not a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  ā€œclaimā€ if itā€™s the truth. People tend to think of stories and stuff when theyā€™re young and bored and considering I donā€™t even know a lick of latin all youā€™re doing is jumping to conclusion because of your bias against me.

I donā€™t have a bias against you. I donā€™t know you, I donā€™t care about you. I only care about people that I think interesting.

I have a bias against pro-scam arguments. I have a bias against people claiming itā€™s in the interest of other people to follow their advice.
I play a game that is called Eve Online.

But I donā€™t have a bias agaisnt you.

A liar too

Well, letā€™s please try to keep things civil guys. An ISD already had to come in here once already, and Iā€™d hate to see the thread get shut down.

Please. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

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He thinks he can talk ill to anyone he feels like and get away with it. Itā€™s why people get aggressive against him and CCP would be wise to silence him instead of others.

It was pretty civil(with sugar). He made a claim that I had a bias , and I donā€™t know why, and I donā€™t care.

Heā€™s the one making personal attacks and then pretend I am toxic.