NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

Sure, I did just that: Google Maps factually this trip I keyed into google maps takes approx 2hr 57mins by car at the current time of day.

Perhaps you should email the people who say that and tell them they are lying, generally don’t involve me.

Feel free to disagree, I don’t think I’d care to read your disagreement of clear and apparent facts so it might be better to keep it to yourself.

In your example “He” literally starts 15 by foot from around banks. to another city filled with banks? Do you comprehend things? Because I think you are quite the idiot as I already gave you the answer that anyone that is near a road can access a bank in the nearest village within 30 minutes of driving.

And other cities have banks too, hence why I told you UNLESS HE LIVES IN A HUT IN THE JUNGLE.

I understand that, every post I made resulted in you looking ignorant or selfish or a scammer or a person “with a lot of problems”.

Not at all, El Salvador isn’t as small as you say based on the map i linked and it is possible for some to have long journeys to the closest post office/bank.

You probably don’t think traffic exists there, and you think busses don’t stop at bus stops to pick up more passengers which will make a journey take longer so yes, it’s possible some journeys could take hours.

If you drive through, it’s a maximum 5 hour drive point to point. This fact is not useable as a rebuttal to “Who lives 3 hours by bus from a bank”. You might not comprehend the issue is “place of living” to a “bank nearby”, but that’s just a limitation to your eh “skillset”.

I’m not sure how I can be held responsible for something someone said on a video which you yourself saw, another one of your delusions i would think.

You should reduce the ‘trying to grasp what is in people’s head’ and just try to understand how questions work. Or banks, or society, or anything for that matter…

Maybe I am delusional or you are, check out the posts you did but apparently don’t remember off… ROFL. YOU USED IT TO DEFEND YOUR CASE. ROFL. Wow… Imagine hearing about these posts, rofl, can’t make this stuff up…

Yes, those are the claims of the people in the video, which sound reasonable to me, obviously not to you which is fine because I don’t have much interest in discussing it further.

The part you don’t get is however long it takes them to get to a bill paying point would be wasted time if it’s an hour or 3 hours it’s time they could spend working. I fully support this view and have a good understanding of why they would regard Bitcoin highly if it helps save them time.

A couple of clicks and you and I have our bills paid, this might not be the same experience for others in the world.

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I did not claim that criminals don’t exist.
I claim that the meaning of privacy you use, that is to be able to perform transaction without being inquired by justice, is what criminals look for. Banking secrecy without abiding to criminal complaints is just crime endorsement.
THAT is what your repeated claims of privacy amount to.

The part I get is that they are paid almost nothing making it seem to them that time isn’t that important. The part that I also get is that crypto changes nothing for them. Which is what you completely ignore. He’s only down $31 million, money that could have been allocated to projects or economic stimulus. Certainly for a country wit low wages it could help.

Sure, lol.

In your opinion which is fine, I however only wish to accept what is based on fact,

Neither did I, I said people who deem privacy as an issue do exist, your mind only is associating private with criminal, that is on you and that’s not what I mean.

To be clear I just mean people like cypherpunks. which I posted info on, I do not mean criminals like what you’re saying,

Criminals also look for someone they can “buy” this normally means a criminal actually working in a bank doing the bidding of other criminals. I have seen that they get arrested on the news a few times this year. I know you wan’t to promote that all criminals use crypto but this simply isn’t true and I’m not going to agree with you.

Criminals use things they can manipulate. In some countries they check members of law enforcements credit and debt level as they know people with debt are more likely to turn to criminality to solve their issue.

I do agree with a few of @Clavine_South 's opinion where fiat money is the ultimate objective with much of the crypto world, even if criminals try to use crypto they will eventually find themselves in a position where they want to transfer it back to fiat, when they do this it can raise red flags which alert law enforcement. So even by having the view “criminals use crypto” the same criminals will also still use/want fiat.

This is a big part of the problem, you seem to want to tell people what to think rather than letting the thoughts come organically. If they themselves say it changes things, I’m happy to accept what they say.

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Yet your persistent appeals to privacy and security are not facts.
They are delusional interpretations. You literally asked to look at the positive interpretation and avoid the negative ones, making your opinion based on a wicked image of reality.

Once you know that people offering you to invest in BTC are promoting a ponzi, once you know that the popularity of BTC is vastly due to those promotions , then you know the most important part of the technology : how it can be used agaisnt you.

As I said, I’m totally fine with you believing what you do.

For me though it is important that I am aware of the type of people that exist in the world, there is no way my opinions would be balanced if I am choosing to ignore facts.

Also, people “buying in” to bitcoin and holding it was not it’s original purpose, According to the Bitcoin whitepaper it focusses on Bitcoins ability to transfer value in a secure manner without 3rd party approval, This is fact.

What is not fact is Bitcoin belonging to manipulative traders who claim the price will go higher quickly, inexperienced traders will listen to this and buy bitcoin to hold. Laws have changed now, so anyone marketing their crypto business must now give crystal clear warning that the crypto market is volatile and they must ensure the prospective investor knows this.

Generally my view is that Bitcoin was only meant for people who have privacy concerns to do with their personal info. Stop trying to pretend that this was never an issue, all of us saw the change when goods/service providers had to state clearly what would be done with our private data and we either had to tick a box on a form to declare that we understood the personal data policy.

Also here in the UK we have The Data Protection Act 1998/2018 which controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government.

Your goal would be to understand why these laws were put in place and why groups of people felt it was needed, You must understand that factually much of our personal data is sold for huge profits,

for instance those fancy camera apps where you take a video of yourself and suddenly you look like a dragon or have rabbit ears, the owners of these apps make lots of money selling your pictures to people building AI/surveillance programs, they make good money and you would have to look deep into the terms and conditions where it says by you agreeing you give them permission to sell your video/photo data.

I’m very unsure how it’s possible you don’t know that privacy enthusiasts exist (they are not criminals) who are very unhappy with the current state of privacy at present.

Privacy is one of the most biggest issues in the world, with many people privacy being infringed upon on a daily basis. At some point you will need to accept this as fact because that is what you and I see happening.

In the same way we have protesters for the environment who glue themselves to roads and cause a nuisance, we also have data privacy protesters who are actually very good with computers.

TLDR: I’m surprised you don’t seem to regard personal data privacy as an issue.

Okay you have a fact, so now how do you link that fact to the discussion ? In so far you are bringing facts that are completely useless.
Unless you are claiming that the important thing is the original goal, not the current state. Which is a synonym for “delusional”

That is not a fact.
It is an issue for criminals. THAT is a fact.

Depends on what you mean by “belonging”. As I don’t know who BTC “belongs to”, this is obviously an interpretation.
The FACT is however that those people exist, that those people were the ones responsible for BTC being over-hyped, because they had interested in doing so. Responsible, not the one doing it, YOU are the one who did it and therefore helped them. YOU are the usable fool.

not a fact. What’s more, clouding reality. You make up a view based on what elements of reality please you, and after that you claim to use facts. You are biased when you are asking to cherry pick only positive elements of BTC and to ignore the negative ones. THIS is a fact, you appealed for cherry picking.
You are trying to defend a dogma that pleases you. Just like the scammers were doing when promoting BTC.

I’m sure people dying of thirst, hunger, illness, war, burglary are pleased to know it.

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Yes, I agree fully. I’d like these rug pullers locked up as much as you do for their mass overhyping. What I don’t want is lawful people who just want privacy with no 3rd party approval missing out.

Here you try to change convo because you know I’m right, instead of admitting privacy has been an issue since the internet started becoming popular you do this.

I’ve agreed that people used Bitcoin to manipulate others, and I have even questioned why regular people are even buying bitcoin to hold for profit.

It’s silly of you to talk to me like I’m a scammer and support criminals. I have a good understanding of what bitcoin was meant to be used for, it’s well documented that they were trying to solve the double spend problem which stopped them from creating and using concepts like bitcoin for a long time.

I’m totally fine with what I believe about bitcoin, and I’m not asking anyone to buy any, in fact I am here asking why so many regular people buy it to hold when the retail usage level is low and profit will be difficult to generate.

No, you have experienced what I am talking about many times and you know it is 100% fact. I studied Data Protection on computer courses when I was younger and Even recently at work we have changed data policy and we are no longer allowed to log into remote computers using the customers profile, we now have to log in with our own profile (which takes longer) in order to ensure our customer data is not compromised in any way.

Data integrity and security/privacy are massive issues. lets keep the convo real ok.

Just going back to this point real quick, we must be careful that personal data doesn’t get into the hands of the people perpetrating the crimes you speak of, in some cases it can actually help them achieve their nefarious goals. You don’t seem to be able to see the link between things.

If these bad people had access to personal data about the people they were persecuting I think it would make them more effective at doing their nefarious deeds as personal data includes name, address, ethnicity, employment details. again lets keep the convo real, whatever happens is actually fact.

Privacy Activists don’t exist huh? Peter Eckersley (computer scientist) - Wikipedia

Like you? Who tires to shut me up so only your opinion is heard? Nah.

If the Coca Cola company says aspartane is fine you’d believe that too. And since cancer (consequences) won’t show up fast those using the diet coke would tell you everything is (still) fine. Just before you and your “highly developed mind” jump to conclusions; diet coke isn’t a scam, it’s a sad example how extreme capitalism ignores the health of the people.
Bleep you and your anarcho-capitalism. I will not stand idle while you and your buddies steal from the poor and give to the rich. There is a government in place that will tell you to please stop stealing from the poor and middle class with your gambling scam.

How does food awareness compare with people using a tool to save time? Traveling for long periods of time is a waste of time if you have other things to do like work.

I’m going to end the convo there with you, you seem to have a problem believing what you can see happening in the world, if someone demonstrates something has helped them that that is all it is. it’s like you want to try and deny rural areas with limited services exist in the world.

Take your time with your views and opinions you’ll give yourself a headache.

It’s called a comparison. Goes frequently over people’s heads.

Well, Have you ever heard about a paid actor in a commercial?
The facts after the promotional video showed how the population was fooled, but that’s not what you like… I get it, the truth will get exposed eventually.

Did you reply to the protefolio tracker? NO, why? It does not fit your narrative. Simple as. ← still a loss.

That’s not really a coherent sentence, I guess schools in the U.K. should put in a bigger effort to educate their citizens. “It clouds the mind while it poisons the body…” maybe, lay off the stuff?
What you claim is clearly false, I encourage the governments, even the dictatorships you support, to push companies to provide better access for amenities to communities even further away from the dense cities.