NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

The part highlighted in blue was describing the situation with the current effort in creating bitcoin, it seems digital signatures only provided part of the solution but the double spend issue was still there.

In the next sentence they start to describe the solution which addresses the double spend problem -

"We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.
The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of
hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing
the proof-of-work."

No mention of “Bitcoin will make you rich” yet I’ll continue.

1. Introduction

Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as
trusted third parties to process electronic payments. While the system works well enough for
most transactions, it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model.
Completely non-reversible transactions are not really possible, since financial institutions cannot
avoid mediating disputes.

So satoshi seems to be talking about electronic payments being managed exclusively by a group of banks.

Still no mention of “Buy bitcoin it will make you rich” It’s an interesting read and I advise people to read it if they really want to understand what bitcoin is.

And here we have it, the goal of bitcoin written by the creator of it himself:

What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust,
allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted
third party.

So we get an idea of where the whitepaper is going, reading this white paper is simply showing me a tool I can use as an alternative payment system for my customers to use if I have a business selling mangos or other exotic fruits for example.

So now we have to ask ourselves why exactly do we want to invest in this in order to “double our money”, I’m only a few lines in and it’s not showing me anything I can use to generate money, In fact it seems to be showing me a tool I can use to manage and organise existing money…

I’m very happy to read the whitepaper with some of you and we can discuss it every few paragraphs and see if we can all gain a better understanding, speaking honestly I only skimmed through it and got the jist of it. I’m still yet to gain a solid understanding myself.

Satoshi speaks truth, it’s true that there is a “trusted” group of people who process digital payments and this was the worlds only option until Bitcoin. This is interesting because when a monopoly occurs on anything in society that seems to be where we find huge problems as well, Should there be a value transfer network belonging to the public?, these are very interesting subjects which I’m sure economists and many other professionals have written about.

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You are avoiding the issue, what does ‘belong to the public’ means?

  • The core is maintained by a select group of programmers who can do the commits. No clear system to approve changes. But 'the public could join in offering code (maybe after taking a course in programming but still.) This isn’t the issue, the power lies with the miners, the developers can do whatever they want, but it’s the miners that decide what change goes live and what doesn’t. The truth in the layered obfuscation is that mining is being centralized towards a small group of very large companies. So ironically, the BTC code led to centralisation of authority, with just a few farms remaining (51% is in the hands of two companies), with the rewards going down this might even go to one owner (if it isn’t already as I did not check the investor(s) behind the curtain), whether Musk or some other billionaire running the entire mining operation and choosing with wealth where it will go.

So I would say if billionairs are “the public” then yes, it’s in the hands of billionaires. :smiley:

Is there a monopoly? Not yet, it’s a duopoly at the moment. :smiley:

Did you answer the trust/no trust issue of your post? No, lol. You just don’t care about posting blatant lies and Karak keeps liking those posts, ROFL. :smiley:

This is an incorrect assumption.

There isn’t enough hardware in the world for a 51% attack at this point. generally you would need to buy miners which is similar in numbers to all the mining machines out there now. the hardware just does not exist.

You don’t seem to understand the basic concept that there are only a few banks that process electronic payments. This is called a monopoly, not whatever fantasy popped into your head.

This is why we will always be in confusion about some things because people like you aren’t interested in any truth or fact, you’re only interested that folks believe what you say regardless of if it’s true. I’ve met many people like you in my time.

Here we go again.

We already addressed all this points multiple times. And I would do it again if I actually believed we could have a honest discussion about it. But as far as we have seen, you will just ignore any response or just give a snarky response and then a couple weeks later you will just repeat the same nonsense.

Let’s be honest here, you are not interested to explore this topic to figure out if you are actually right. You just paste in some copy pasta from a quick google search that matches with your opinion and hope something sticks.

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It’s too complicated for him to understand so by default it’s a scam.

Humans are strange beings. We often form an opinion and then attempt to use rationality to justify it, and not the other way around. And usually it’s pretty hard to actually change that opinion.

I raged for years about Bitcoin the same way he does, so I know exactly what is happening. It took a long time and a lot of discussion and thinking to accept that I was wrong.

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I don’t know, I tend to look at what’s happening (or what’s not happening) in order to shape my opinion. I can’t even say he is using clear thought and reason as some things are just plain obvious, for example it is true that a group of banks own the monopoly on electronic payments and we have seen time and time again that problems occur due to monopolies. Why can’t we just accept this because we have all seen it? Why do we have to fantasise about it not being a problem when it clearly is?

A simple web search and we can see the issues being discussed which relate to monopolies but yet people don’t want to consider this before committing to a belief. We are in too much of a rush to believe things.

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Yeah also the way he sometimes goes full totalitarian to justify his otherwise crumbling argument should really signal him that he is on the wrong track. Somehow it doesn’t. Being right on the internet is apparently more important than being honest with himself.

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I googled “Forbes” and found this;

Forbes is an American business magazine owned by Integrated Whale Media Investments and the Forbes family. Published eight times a year, it features articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law.

I googled “Integrated Whale Media Investments” ;

Integrated Whale Media Investments provides investment services . The Company provides public and private equity investments.

We have to look deeper into what’s going on. why do you want to follow an investment firm covering the news of a rich man talking about bitcoin instead of using the whitepaper as a source of info?

And what was Elon musk’s opinion as to why the Bitcoin value would rise? Because more people are buying and holding it? Or because it’s actual usage is high or will be high? We follow too much hype which we really should be ignoring.

Can you really not see the goal of the article you posted was created to get you to buy Bitcoin? And can you really not see that Elon Musk and that investment firm were trying to pull a fast one?? blame those people for taking something and perverting it, it’s silly to blame the creator.

Some people’s behaviour is sickening when they are wrong,

And no one noticed it’s been too long in between meme images… sad. Art isn’t really apreciated… But hey, the good news is that this image is 100% NFT-scam-free :smiley: YAY!

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Still a cartel.

Also with even 25% you can start making trust attacks, literally removing transactions from the distributed db.

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This thread has ran its course.


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