NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

Why do you need to propose anything I did not say? It it easier to claim things I did not say? Probably, does that make you a honest person? Not at all.

Sounds like another attempt to make crypto transactions without a need. Mining permits can be typed in plain ASCII. Stop wasting resources. Use “EVE Mail” like a professional.

I OBJECT! This isn’t a court, Mr. Online Armchair Lawyer. :smiley:
I’m not here to explain you all the details on how the scam works, I’m just here so you don’t get another victim. Because really, this is the second thread, around post 1782 and you are still here desperately hunting for your next Moby Dick.

LOL! I guess that’s your best attempt at blame shifting on your ‘get rich quick’/‘get rich sleeping’ schemes. You came here promoting things, I said, lol that’s a bad business plan. It wasn’t even a real business plan but it was clearly rigged by you (whether or nor on purpose) to fail.

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Indeed, that is not what you typed… :smiley: ROFL.
I don’t know if I can explain you what a scam is. If you say 33% loss equals profit then I don’t think you should be promoting financial products online.

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The profit was used to buy more rx6600’s when they came out. both rx 580’s and rx6600’s held their value well for a good while. the 23% loss was on the rx 6600’s when I sold them.

I have to look at my numbers again but I’m certainly not unhappy, Most of the nicehash miners didn’t buy any extra equipment for mining so for them they just had to stop mining when electric went up and when ethereum changed consensus

Lol, it’s just incredible that you of all people would say this. Go look into a mirror and read those words please :rofl:

Calm down miner. A mining permit has the form I say.

How noble of you. You can’t quite say what you are protecting them from, because you don’t understand it and you can’t explain what the scam is. But you are pretty sure it’s evil and you have to stand up to it. A true internet hero.

Round of applause :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Don’t worry too much though, the world paid close attention to FTX and SBF so I seriously don’t think anybody is in a rush to hand over large sums of money, also we all saw how they tried to manipulate the value of Bitcoin via false marketing, we all saw the value of a Bitcoin reduce so there is a good understanding out there of what could happen.

We have seen a few rug pulls with new crypto coins where the criminals have been sent to prison, And the youtube guys who promoted them were forced to beg their viewers forgiveness claiming they didn’t know and gave all the money they earned from it to charity.

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Do you even play EVE Online? :smiley:

I would say “Loosing money like your friend Aaron”. Imagine how many “EVE 20th anniversary | Collector's Edition | Pre-order now! | EVE Online” he could have ordered and actually had something tangible of value… :smiley:

Them again, darn it, it’s always them who do those things… :smiley:
I guess ‘they’ like how you keep their identities private like a real CypherPunk. :smiley:

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Of course, my business was the first business in the history of mankind to lose money on gpu sales, I earned bitcoin which was exchanged for fiat which was almost the value of my initial investment, so it wasn’t really a huge issue losing money on gpu value they server their purpose and almost paid for themselves. AMD durable which is why they held most of their value.

I’m proud of how I approached this mining operation, my only initial cost was computers and gpu’s. I’m happy that I didn’t lose much considering the consensus change and the hike in electric price.

Oh well, it looks like you’re out of arguments, you’ve only provided nonsense as reasons for your opinion. You also seem like some sort of crazed dictator/politician on steroids with your bag of falsehoods and declarations based on nothing but your dodgy and misleading word.

Not really at the moment. My GPU is kinda flaky and occasionally just crashes (not from mining, I never did that). Completely fine for single player games or mmo’s where you don’t lose a weeks worth of grinding if it crashes at the wrong moment.

Once it completely dies and I get a new one then I will be back. Will probably go back to casually dunking some illegal miners. That’s always so much fun.

WTF, $175. seriously? The only thing that looks interesting is the Megatron model, and knowing CCP this will be extremely poor quality. letting everyone question why they fell for that again. Pretty sure you will be able to print out a better one for cheaper, including buying the printer.

Seriously, this makes the first one look like an actually good deal. It contained a pretty nice book and the actual game (how crazy). And even the often criticized mystery code looks like an actual win compared to this.

But let us know once you get it, so we can see who made the better deal, you who bought a trash plastic model a plushy and some CCP SKIN-NFTs or Aaron who got an actually working GPU for his money.

Baited by a piece of plastic… classic

Oh, scratch the $175 price tag. Apparently some had to pay up to $265 at checkout because of taxes and shipping. And we can all just speculate if you will get a bill from customs on top. What a deal!

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I “pre-purchached” it for “$249,40” it’s possible there will be a declaration fee for less than 50 euros but generally not if there is a reasonable amount of taxes (VAT) declared on the receipt.

Not sure if the Route Package Protection is really necessary, but it sounded awesome.

More money for Hilmar! So he can fly to Korea and speak about blockchain… :smiley: He loves my shitposting, that image was taken right after he read one of my posts… :smiley: <3

That’s great

We will be here to comfort you if you unwrap the Megatron and realize the mistake. Could have been almost two years of subscription. You know like 1/5 of that next decade.

Hey nice package you ordered, would be a shame if something happened to it…

Yeah, that pointless blockchain gaming errant is pretty much what you will fund with this I fear. Yet another endeavor spearheaded by Hilmar that is doomed to fail before it is even born. How many times do they want to repeat this?

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I do hope there will be a youtube video of that presentation. I will prepare a bingo card

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I guess we would need more of an understanding on what the future of gaming is, it seems there is a current race to build a “metaverse” of sorts where the designers involved want billions of people connected and interacting which introduces the need for a currency.

This “billions of people connected in a game” idea would involve a seriously sophisticated level of organisation which blockchains and their tokens are already demonstrating, Also everyone had access to bitcoin’s code so i’d imagine this was also a happy day for all programmers as we can get to a full understanding of how one of the best computer programmers ever to exist coded his programs.

I’m pretty sure games designers have seen Satoshi’s code and wet themselves at how some of it could help design sophisticated games, If we look at the sheer amount of copycat bitcoins then we should be able to get an idea of the scale of respect people have for satoshi’s programming skills.

You mean like an MMO or second life? This idea literally exists since the internet or even before that. There is really nothing new about it other than that they attach “crypto” to it and sell it to people who never played a game or generally have no concept of how a computer works.

The MMO developers are basically at the forefront of technology when it comes to bring as many people together in a single experience. It’s literally their business. If even they struggle to get over a couple thousands (always depending on the type of game obviously) into one playing field, how are some people who are fiddling with blockchain who have no idea about any of that gone achieve that?

No absolutely not. Blockchains make horrible trade-offs to do what they are doing and they are only good at exactly one thing: finding decentralized global consensus about some state. And they are horribly slow and inefficient at doing so. Which is fine when all when what you actually want is decentralized global consensus, because it’s literally the only game in town for that. This is something you for example need for a currency, which is what it was invented for.

It’s absolutely useless for everything else. There is absolutely no use-case I have ever heard of where blockchain is actually improving anything other than money (and maybe timestamps, but that is more of a sideeffect of Bitcoins security). It only works for money, because the money is the thing on the blockchain. As soon as you start referencing anything at all outside the blockchain, you could as well just use a extremely more efficient standard centralized SQL database.

Satoshis code was supposedly pretty ugly. While the concept he came up with was ingenious, he wasn’t a very good programmer. But there are many more people who fixed it up and now it’s really nice code.


Code can look ugly but still achieve its goal flawlessly, when coding one does have to indent certain lines of code so that the other people in your team can read it for example. this does not take away from the functionality of the code, just the presentation. Or for example he may have used functions that takes up more memory than the correct function, the performance of the said program may be slower but the logic of it will still work perfectly.


Sub AnySubroutine
Dim Variable
If variable =
Then do this
Else do that
End If

Will still work exactly the same as;

Sub AnySubroutine
Dim Variable As Integer

If variable = something Then
– do this
– do that
End If

The 2nd example was closer to the universal way of coding and even specified the type of data being stored, while the first was just thrown in there even though they will both achieve the desired goal.

Every other crypto coin out there was only possible with satoshi’s code so regardless of if it was ugly or went about doing things the long way, the logic of it had never been seen before.

The thing with Bitcoin is, that while it is Satoshi’s invention, sooner or later someone else would have figured it out. A lot of the pieces of technology that got put together to create Bitcoin where discovered in a long history of failed attempts to create digital currencies before, or to solve all sorts of other problems.

PoW for example was first invented as an idea to prevent email spam.

The remarkable thing about Satoshi is how he managed to not leak his identity. Imagine solving a computer science problem like that but not taking credit. And also the fact that he vanished as soon as it was clear that the project could survive, leaving only community consensus in charge instead of a ruler everyone locks to for answers.

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Yes, I definitely see him as a type of philanthropist. his gift to the public was it’s very own value transfer network and ledger.

I see him more like a pioneer of more fake value being generated. Its all just numbers. Dont be a slave to a number.

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The fake value was created by the manipulators like elon musk saying he will accept bitcoin to buy a Tesla, he’s not stupid at all, he knew full well everyone would scramble to seek out and obtain bitcoin and he knew full well the value of a bitcoin would rise as a result. All of this is completely nothing to do with Satoshi.

And anyway, Bitcoin is really just a business tool which has benefits for accountants, many of us were tricked into thinking it’s some kind of money generator, the people who use bitcoin for privacy in transactions wouldn’t really be bothered at the value of a bitcoin since they would buy the amount of bitcoin equal to the current transaction they are doing.

I know it might be too late for many with regard to financial loss but a harsh lesson was learned with regard to crypto coins, it’s important to understand bitcoins actual usage which is accounting features and privacy.

To me your opinion just shows me how easily lead many of us happen to be, there is a blatant white paper from satoshi describing what bitcoin is, but we want to ignore that and listen to greedy manipulators promising vast profits instead, and then we want to claim it’s a scam. The only issue is that we failed to investigate and listen.

I’m glad the crypto hype is almost over and the people who shouldn’t be investing their life savings in crypto are not doing so. My strong advice is to leave crypto alone unless you are using it for privacy concerns or you are interested in it’s trust and accounting features which might help the business project you are doing.

Don’t worry Nana you will see it, just take your time and read the white paper and once you gain an understanding of it compare that to what’s happened and you will see where the scam is. The scam is in what people tried to do with Bitcoin, not the creator.

Bitcoin is not the first thing to be perverted by bad people in our histories, and I am very sure it won’t be the last. History has shown us this time and time again.

I like how you post these weird and funny stuff…

It’s not over until they own nothing and are happy. At least I’ll have a plush Fedo to comfort me… :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: