NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

Funny thing, that’s exactly how I see you in all your posts. You have no idea what you are talking about and still believe you have the knowledge required to have an opinion, then claim it is “fact” . “You are not able to listen to people who know what they are talking about.”

For example you do it in this sentence : you don’t go with facts. There is no fact. Only personal attacks. Only “you=bad”. And then you try to make a reasoning that goes towards that point.
Nobody cares, you are dishonest. “Your attitude towards this is seriously messed up.”

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The only issue here is you not understanding crypto, mining, and how new coins are introduced.

You obviously have no understanding of how a ledger that can’t be changed could assist the general practice of accounting since you completely ignored me when I asked. The part you are also not understanding is that when adults ask a question they would like it to be answered which is the basis of any conversation.

Such a convo where questions are being ignored means there is a flaw in the logic of whoever is failing to answer or ignoring the question.

Last chance… Is a digital ledger that cannot be compromised under any circumstance useful to accountants or the general practice of accounting?

Bitcoin exists, a good handful of people in the world use it for storing/transferring fiat value. this is the world we live in today, feel free to wrap yourself in cotton wool and pretend it doesn’t exist or it’s a scam it won’t make any difference to anyone who has better investigative skills than you do.

Still no fact, still ad hominem.
No better way to explain than your complete lack of argument.

That’s opinion, not fact. Acknowledging your question is also acknowledging your personal attacks. So I ignore both the same.
And now you are trolling when saying people who don’t accept your personal attack means you are right. This claim makes not a single sense whatsoever. Just you derailing the thread once more. With your delusions.

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lol, lack of argument? anything I said is easily verified. No where can I find any evidence of Bitcoin being a scam or ponzi. the only argument you have is to tell me I don’t have an argument. lol, enjoy.

Yes, no way can you consider that you are in-fact wrong, Now you pretend I’m the one attacking you when it’s clear in the thread you and Aedaxus are the one’s attacking anyone who doesn’t share your view. you two are silly lol.

No I don’t pretend. Your previous post contained personal attack, there is no pretense here.

That also is personal attack. Repeating personal attacks is harassment.

What’s more, it’s all your posts amount to. You derailed the topic and now only make personal attack.
You know you are wrong. Your attitude is dishonest and a waste of time.

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So you’re out of poorly researched arguments for your opinion of bitcoin being a scam and ponzi ?

You seem far too emotional to debate or discuss different opinions.

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Yes, I see you completely steered away from the actual explanation and talked about how wasteful in regards to energy crypto is.

If you don’t understand the rudimentary layers, you’ll never get it. That doesn’t mean other people understand it and they also see through your evasion attempts.

It’s not my work that is stolen, I am not the victim of the system you promote.

I explained you, you are padding the posting as it was clearly explained above, anyone can scroll up. You need to post more to hide.

People can just scroll up and see your desperate attempts to cover up the posts where you keep on highlighting the parts of the very comprehensive scam crypto is.
How about that transactions will be extremely expensive the more people are suckered into it. You can scroll up, it was you who confessed about that inadvertently

You confessed everything besides BTC and lightning was a scam. You confessed that because that was part of what you don’t get a profit out of I guess? And that’s the funny part, you literally posted that. LOL.
And now you are back, claiming to “completely forget what you said” but you need to bury it under tons of posts again…

It’s very ironic that the actual proof of the scheme was posted by Karak… :smiley: Pricesless. How is the ‘burying it under emotional posts’ going for you? LOL.


You keep claiming you only promoted the scam until the energy prices rose, but no, you wanted “the poor” to get you out of the scam we warned you for.

Posted Februari 2022 and prices were skyrocketing since 2020. The arrow up can be used to show the entire post, of which a lot was quoted. :smiley: So you cannot change it anymore. It’s like a ledger lol.

Just an example of your clowning. Well, actually not clowning, on trying to get your money back from the poor. Sad. Shows what kind of person you are.

See, you’ll need to bury the facts again, good luck on more emotional posting and ad hominems against those who want you to stop stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

Your attempts to troll and promote falsehood are as bad as your poorly researched evidence of your opinion that bitcoin is a scam.

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When will you finally tell us what the scam is?

You think supply and demand is a scam?

Not really, you just have trouble reading. LOL

Sometimes it feels you just post random shite so you have something to say at all.

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His attitude is ridiculous, take Nicehash for example, people log on there to buy hashing power (from people like me as I used to sell it) and he is acting like selling hashing power is a criminal enterprise. What did he say earlier? people who run NFT’s pay me to waste electric? There’s no way to reason with such a person as all of what he’s saying is based on fantasy

So if I buy some top of the range Nvidia cards and then hire out the processing power to assist AI development would that be a scam? For that matter is anything that hire’s out processing power a scam?

Lies and manipulation will never work under any circumstance and it is actually an insult to people’s intelligence, as if people are going to believe you and I are scammers for working with Bitcoin, I tend to find with many over emotional people they love to manipulate situations and I think they believe the lies they pedal without even researching it.

It seems in this topsy turvy world the people who take time to research fact and talk about it are the annoying one’s for not getting onboard with falsehood and investigating silly claims.

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So you claim you did not post in February 2020 that ‘poor’ people should mine for a profit while it was already to expensive to mine?
Sad, people can just scroll up.

I literally showed you the facts around one of the scam aspects.

Aaron claimed it is profitable to mine crypto.
I claimed it was not profitable and thus a scam.
You and Aaron kept defending crypto.

You know it yet you keep on emotional posting to bury the truth. You could claim you are “a little slow” but we all know you are just promoting scams like this forum is Jita local.

Etherium changed it’s In theory, this will result in a 99.95% reduction in energy consumption by the Ethereum network. That’s fine okay, but doe that change the fact you ran a scam on these forums? NO.

However, Binance NFT, which already supports NFTs on Ethereum, Polygon and its native BNB Chain, plans to expand its offerings by allowing traders to purchase Ordinals on the Bitcoin network. Collectors can soon buy and sell inscriptions, or NFTs created on the Bitcoin network, expanding the reach of the nascent Ordinals ecosystem.

So although you were right for a small amount of time, you’ll be wrong again. Sad that you have so little knowledge about crypto. How come you did not know? Or are you just posting random stuff? I assumed you guys learned everything about crypto? I guess you just post enough to try and not make it look like the scam it is.

And I hope they do that to get an accurate picture of what I was saying and not falsehood. Just because you immediately misunderstand everything you’re told here it does not mean all others will.

If you think nicehash is a scam you should contact the police and also complain to CCP as I was suggesting people try it to see what it’s about as many already had the hardware to do so.

Pointless and poorly understood rubbish which is not even worth reading.

Why would I contact the police? I am not a victim of your scam. I’m having fun seeing twoo stooges trying to defend crypto in the most hilarious way.

Remember how you kept telling us how you import CBD anonymously? LOL, WTH?!
Remember how you kept telling us how you failed a crypto mining business? ROFL.

The random stuff you post here is so funny and mostly unrelated to NFT, but hey, at least I’m enjoying a bunch of tryhard ‘business men’ peddeling their ‘new economy’ on some ‘out of pod’ forums of some obscure game… ROFL. But yeah, keep on pretending this is a serious international business offer you keep making to ‘everyone here’ (not sure how many people read this forum but you posting here clearly show your desperation.)

You said “poor people” should start mining to “make money”.
You stopped doing it. Not sure how much misunderstanding can be there but just to make sure :
We told you you are a failure at running a business and about a year later you failed the exact business we told you would fail. And then… you come up with excuses. That’s understandable as it is very embarrassing for you but just repeating everyone who does not share your delusions ‘just doesn’t get it’ is a bit off and sad. But you do keep being entertaining, also the part where you were going to make your ecological version of your failed business really made me laugh, please keep us up to date on the progress.

Also, you said that the El Salvadorian who spent 3 hours on the bus should get a job. And that’s also why I keep posting here, do you understand you spend so much time posting nonsense but if you were applying your own rules to yourself, you could have made money instead? :smiley: The more you post the more hilarious your (imaginary) life story becomes.

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Lol, offers I keep making huh? If anyone did take up my suggestion of trying mining via nicehash then a bigtime miner simply would have paid them to use their processing power. I’m not sure where you think the scam is in that for the 12th time.

Anyone else joining nicehash would have had no effect on my operation at all, I would not have earned any money from them. I think you are not very bright at all if you think someone renting GPU power across the internet is a scam lol.

You do realise people can just go to the Nicehash website and find out how it works right? you are not the gospel on anything crypto related and you have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just clutching at straws to keep the convo going.

When electric got to expensive making it impossible to earn profit I made that clear in here and said I was selling all my RX 580’s, at that point I never suggested anyone try it because it wasn’t profitable. Do i expect you to understand anything I just wrote?? Never in a million years.

If I was 100% sure someone was committing a crime or scam as you seem to be I would call the police. Obviously you know no one here is committing a crime or scam which is why you are not contacting the police.

You’re an abusive and insulting person, you think it’s okay to call people criminal when you don’t even understand the convo?

The RX 580’s were purchased before the chip shortage (you probably won’t know about that) and many were sold during the chip shortage which means profit was made. Feel free to call that a failure as I would say it’s a small win. Again, do I expect you to understand, nope.

No you didn’t. You just keep talking about random stuff you don’t like and declare them a scam. You never prove that they actually are scams.

So you think changing market conditions are a scam?

I thought about selling mining permits as an NFT. What do you think about that idea?

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Aedaxus has lost it.

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