NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto

Importing CBD “anonymously” as Aaron describes it isn’t legal. It’s very restricted for good reasons.

I find it strange NFT’s make you talk about you and your neurotoxins. Everyone also has ‘receptors’ for potassium cyanide but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Or… “Look! It’s natural lava, let’s go smell the fumes… or play in it so we can experience a natural burning sensation.” :smiley:


Crypto failed in El Salvador, crypto failed in CAR, crypto exchanges are failing, FTX failed,…

It’s you who are so funny saying banks are bad but at least customers of Swiss bankrupt bank (they sure put the bank in bankrupt) still have their real money. If a bank fails, the FDIC insures deposits. Investors should know that if their crypto exchange goes out of business, no government agency will make them whole. That’s different from a bank, where the government insures funds up to account and institution limits.

Or, you can gamble on crypto and when you loose, sell it and claim that loss on your tax return. Even if you are not good at scamming, just steal it from the people.

See, crypto is a dirty tool made by elitist “fils a papa” and made for elitist ‘fils a papa’ failures who think they should get rich because their family tree. That is a wrong thing, everyone should work hard and share with the community.

You did not read up on my “The politicization of crypto” posts. Which will only make the situation worse as legislators will fight battles against each other for power. Who would have imagines money and power go hand in hand.

I know you believe that other people should do all work people pay you to do.
But this topic used to be about how NFCs are a MLM-Type of scam to make people buy crypto.
NFCs failed so I guess that somehow brings us to you struggling to do a recovery job? My advice? Work.

Thank you, have a nice day.

So in summary, banks fail. A crypto exchange with custody is nothing other than a bank. A shitty uninsured, maybe unregulated bank, but nonetheless a bank.

What does that even have to do with crypto? First of all, unlike fiat (except cash) you don’t need a bank to store crypto, so this is a completely unnecessary risk you don’t even need to take. Second of all, there is no reason why banks couldn’t insure crypto deposits. This isn’t a magic property of fiat money, it’s an additional service the banks created. There is no reason why there could not be something similar in the future for crypto assets, but Bitcoin is only 14 years old, and financial services for it will still have to be developed.

But I’m sure you will once again twist what I said so it allows you to ignore the points I made.

There is no such thing here. I can’t claim losses as tax returns. On the other hand I also don’t get taxed on my gains. Also I haven’t made any losses at all.

Why do you even think you can make predictions about something you clearly don’t understand? That can only go wrong

Crypto exchanges are related to crypto, lol. It’s where crypto is stored centrally. It’s actually very popular, just check the amount of crypto is in the ownership of these exchanges… :smiley: Check it privately because you know, them cypherpunks and their “privacy” :smiley:

You just have to be less incoherent about NFT’s, have you poste about those recently? No, ROFL.

Ok, is it allowed for other countries to also exist and have capital gains taxes?

Sure, politics ruined your crypto as it added KYC to privacy… you clearly have no idea what you are saying but as long as you keep the attention away from the fact that NFT’s are a scam you are happy.

Crypto exchanges don’t need to store crypto for their users. For example the exchange I use doesn’t. I send them fiat and they send Bitcoin to an address I control.

Taking custody of user funds makes them a custodian, not an exchange, and they should be regulated as such and in my opinion require a banking license. Also, it’s only a matter of time until regular banks start to custody crypto now.

You told me I profit from tax payers by dumping my non-existing losses onto them. I told you that’s not even possible where I live, not that this would not be possible somewhere else (well not for me, because did I mention already? I don’t have any losses)

Apart from the fact that the exchange can see who I am from the bank transfer (because that is just how it works), there isn’t any KYC involved for me. Sorry.

They are probably not all explicitly scams, but they are definitely pretty pointless in my opinion. At least I have never seen any use that makes sense for them.

But so far no one has actually explained the actual mechanics that makes them an MLM scam to get you to buy crypto. That makes no sense at all. They are just dumb links in a ledger to pictures that can disappear every moment if someone turns off the server where they are hosted.

Admittedly I only read the first month of the thread, and Zoiie left that impression.


I actually don’t understand why he thinks you would be happy to be some sort of gatekeeper protecting a scam. this is clearly irrational thinking which is a problem because the goal seems to be to tell people all forms of crypto are a scam without any kind of balanced investigation.

This thinking is irrational to the point that they have completely ignored the fact people use Bitcoin in other ways (transferring value and trusted ledger ) than holding it for profit.

Here he has limited understanding that Bitcoin and other crypto were actually designed to indicate a fiat value, so ultimately if one uses crypto then at some point it is unavoidable that they will exchange it to fiat, or the person they transfer it to will eventually change it to fiat. I’m really not sure what they would expect the value of a bitcoin would be measured against.

This entire thread is becoming difficult due to the sheer confusion and absolute refusal by some to learn facts and gain understanding. these people have been discussed in the bible already;

truth is as useless to a fool as legs are to the lame (Proverb 26:7)

Therefore, someone who refuses to learn from his mistakes or who shuns learning and knowledge is one biblical definition of a fool. Why would fools refuse to learn their lesson? The Word illuminates: because they resent being corrected (Proverbs 15:12).

A fool also convinces himself that he is right in his own eyes and, therefore, can disregard and even ridicule other people’s advice (Proverbs 12:15) (Proverbs 9:7)

So @stefnia_Freir @Aedaxus carry on doing what you’re doing as it seems most people are already aware of your antics.

I think at this point the most important thing for him is to be right on the internet, and not to figure out if his opinion matches reality.

It’s not “designed” to indicate a fiat value. It simply has an exchange rate with pretty much every other currency, the same way every currency or even good has.

It’s also not unavoidable to exchange it to fiat. You could have a circular Bitcoin economy where everyone pays each other with Bitcoin just fine. It’s just that in it’s current phase, the volatility makes that impractical. You are not gona price things in Sats if you have to adjust the price on a daily basis (or even more). But it’s not a given that this will stay like this forever.

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So this thread is suddenly only about crypto in Switzeland? What about all your international payments?
You just keep making up things, do you all of the sudden no longer say crypto is international? See, you keep on contradicting your own statement trying to “smooth talk” people into crypto.

Let me explain. Go to a NFT site, you might want to buy a receipt of an artwork. Not the art itself, just pay money for a receipt. You will need to but crypto to buy that receipt. You know that, I know that, somehow you claim you have no clue how NFTs are sold. Right?


Good try but as I said I’m here to show everyone how you post anything in the hopes to promote crypto but no one has a need for a (not so) “private” money transfer. Except for the weiro guy who keeps on importing CBD “anonymously” in the country that imports 100% of it’s CBD under serious restrictions.

I’m still waiting for you to explain how to legally import CDB oil anonymously into the UK while doing payments using crypto. But we both know you can’t and the best thing you have is your above statement which is funny.

Do you actually understand that the above statement indicates your thinking is irrational?

First of all, I’m sure Karak and you aren’t happy, that’s the general issue why you need to be promoting the “next thing” that will revolutionize the economy. However, it’s been proven that crypto is just like the wildcat banks in the wild west. Unregulated and a financial danger for the common person.

So you are here ignoring and derailing the NFT discussion, of which is clear that you need to buy crypto to buy NFT’s.

None of your contributions have indicated that NFT’s are any good.

Copyrights are there to protect the artists work but crypto is a lawless area where people would break the law[right click save and sell] for just a fist full of Etherium.

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Ok, sorry about that, I don’t know much about NFT’s so you go right ahead and chat while I stop typing, I could learn something here.

How do you feel about that?

Ok, got it.

So basically, SKINS are an MLM scam to get you to buy PLEX?

So if I but $10 crypto and then exchange for a $10 NFT, where exactly is the scam? What is MLM about it?

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Just to clarify

Someone sells a pointless link to a picture, for something you and the other fiat simp say has no value…

Where is the crime?

And I mean wow, independent artists, that was such a profitable and rich business before NFT. If that’s the market where the scamers funneled all the money out, it was sure the multi dollar robbery of the decade.

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The artwork of an artist is being used and a link to it is sold without the creator being paid. Again showing how a scam works. Thans you for proving that.

And now you have proven that the link (NFT) is pointless, which is a wordplay as it lieterally points to that work of art on the OpenSea website for example.

Why do you need to look down on people not as rich as you? And post it on the forums?

This is a typical one "Yes, officer I know I stole somthing but I did not murder people, so I’m totally fine because only the most serious crime exists and all the rest is now legal. " :smiley:

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CCP sells a game. CCP sells PLEX, CCP sells skins.
MULTI LEVEL? It’s ALL CCP, no one else gets hopes on reselling at a profit. Suddenly you do not speak English anymore? I guess you’ll have to bury your mistake again under hundreds of posts again…

Why are you always lying? Can I proove MLM means Multi Level Marketing? Like in Pyramid scheme? I don’t have too, dude… LOL. Seriously? NFT can only be bought with crypto which isn’t related (as far as we know) to the OpenSea which in turn pays people like Aaron ‘a lot of money’ to use a ridicoulous amount of energy to randomly guess numbers… :D.

I find it odd that you can be so wrong about something but 100% okay with being wrong and having a totally inaccurate view and in no way shape or form prepared to listen to people who know what they are talking about.

Your attitude towards this is seriously messed up and you just type anything without caring if it’s rude or unacceptable. Fantasy and hearsay is obviously enough for you as you are not interested in facts.

Mining for any crypto involves confirming transactions and the possibility of that particular blockchain assigning new coins to a miner if their miner guesses the right number. The only people paying a miner are the people willingly using crypto to do transactions, and people who rent GPU processing power via Nicehash, That is the only way a miner generates money.

Why would anyone pay me to use electric with no end goal in sight? and why do you think I would accept money from an ill gotten source? all of your posts are based on whatever nonsense pops into your head, LOL, I’ve never read something so pointless and ridiculous, this is straight buffoonery lol.

You must be trolling, such a simple concept which is so easily confirmed by google or specific forums, or even reading trusted news outlets shouldn’t be so hard for one to understand and it really shouldn’t need explaining over 30 times.

Let’s see if I understand your general point; creating a public network that can help to transfer fiat value is illegal in your opinion. And people who deal in NFT’s pay miners to waste money on electric with no goal in sight. lol. So they scam artists who don’t have much money, then they pay that to me to waste on electric? Hahahahahhahaha! Maybe you should keep your part time job as a clown secret.

So sue them? They are a regular business, not a decentralized network

How do you feel about that?

So are PLEX and SKINS a scam?

I did not ask for prove, just for you to point out what the scam actually is. Appart from copyright infringement, which is like someting that happens maybe to a specific sub category of NFT you did not even came up with an idea.

Like pretty much all protocols supporting NFT this days don’t use PoW so they probably don’t even collectively use as much energy as the EVE servers.