NFT's are Fundamentally a MLM-Type Scam Designed to Get You to Buy Crypto
“They say” could you source anything besides “I imagine they might do, and added some numbers to my imaginary medical study…” ? Because you don’t link any research or medical test… or even an official message from the NHS or some university…

It’s not related to the topic, but actually CBD seems to be very efficient with other drugs to help with brain issues. However cannabis with THC do the opposite, that’s why you need regulation to ensure the drug helps and is used for medicinal and not psychotropic effect.
It needs to be imported, but also regulated so I see no reason to use a specific form of money to purchase it. If the oil he purchases is not allowed in his country, it may be because it is not fit for medicinal use. That’s why when he says he needs BTC to have its oil, my first thought is that it is a legally forbidden product - and for good reasons. Hence my quotes for “imported”.

In some countries CBD can be prescripted as an official drug ( Legal status of CBD around the world: List with countries - Kana Wonders ). But again, that is off-topic.

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Indeed, i googled this, seems interesting:

Treating Inflammation with THC

THC activates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors on both immune cells and non-immune cells, which allows it to regulate pain perception and immune responses. This allows for activation of the endocannabinoid system in order to decrease inflammation in the body (6).

I’m due for an Amsterdam visit soon.

Also, I find it strange that all of us have receptors around our body which are ready to accept THC and CBD, They are within our brain, near our heart and near our groin, odd huh.

I know the CBD oil is good as a friend gave me some to try, it’s the retailers discretion as to the means of payment not mine, I am but a simple customer and must abide by the rules set if I want to trade. If the retailer wants bitcoin then bitcoin they shall get.

Also, I think real sunshine and not artificial light makes a difference to the quality. natural sunlight will always grow the best crops.

If you read more you would already know it’s 100,000s of parents in the UK saying the same thing that CDB oil is very effective aggainst seizures, some have even gone to the trouble of suing the government because because they haven’t been able to get it on the NHS. I’m surprised you don’t know any of this as it was one of the top stories in the news.

I’d say your views and opinions are imaginary and fantasy, they don’t seem to be based on anything but “I’m always right because my name is Aedaxus”

Study Reveals How Cannabidiol Counters Epileptic Seizures | NYU Langone News.

It’s odd that Rastafarians have been singing about CBD and THC since the 1960’s referring to it as “the healing of the nation”

You failed to adress the topic of your scam too, you have been proven wrong a lot and now have to resort to showing off your illicit tradeskills to make up for your failed BTC ‘enterprise’.

You need my opinion to be wrong.

You need El Salvador to make money with BTC, not loose. I linked you the tracker and you failed to acknowledge and resorted to substance abuse.

You need the Central African Republic to use BTC in the hopes you can make money from them again and in that way finance your illegal hobbies.

You have the audacity to blame me for the misfortune of people in dictatorships, it’s YOU who posts on how you love their dictator’s decisions (regarding BTC at least).

But yes, project your issues on others and hope you’ll make more money scamming people… damn. I guess your motto is ‘steal from the poor to give to the rich’. Sad, yet somehow your posts are funny as they are a complete parody of reality.

Yes, very odd that institutions would require tests before using a product that is known to give people schizophreny.

See? I post links of actual medical research, you link some vague reference as “Yo, Dude, someone made a song about … yeah… wheeee…” :smiley: Seriously?

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I think you’re unwell and need help.

Lol, silly baseless accusations based on delusion. Do you stop random people on the street and call them scammers?

Wow, your delusions are funny. So I roam the streets calling people randomly scammers and then tell them to ‘hold on, I need to post some’… :smiley:

Do you have any reply on the tracker? Nope, you do have insults. LOL.
Do you have any reply on how it’s going in the CAR? Nope, you do have insults. LOL.

Your posts are tragic, off topic, filled with criminal activities, but funny nonetheless.
After tens of off-topic posts you’ll be back with “you don’t understand BTC!”… lol. pathetic, yet funny.

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Perhaps you should complain to the mods and tell them I’m here scamming and get me banned. if you can’t achieve getting me banned then I’m obviously not scamming and the mods don’t agree with you.

Your posts are tragic, off topic, filled with criminal activities

No, you are promoting a real life scam unrelated to CCP or the game, and thus it’s not for CCP to arrest you and send you to CCP prison. LOL. Also, the Out Of Pod Experience is hardly moderated. Thus you lie again, but hey, who would have expected otherwise?

If you have the time, could you reply on topic?
Do you have any reply on the tracker? Nope, you do have insults. LOL.
Do you have any reply on how it’s going in the CAR? Nope, you do have insults. LOL.

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And miss out on all the funny posts you make, hell, no. Damn, you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but exactly that makes your posts so incredibly funny. :smiley:

“I use bitcoin for a couple of transactions”

“I used to GPU mine crypto”

Oh yeah both of these are the biggest crimes in the history of mankind, you should call the police.

Really? well let me know how you would fix a windows hard drive corruption, without reinstalling windows, without sfc /scannow and without chkdsk.

Also while your there tell me how to debug a windows BSOD.

I’m currently fixing a laptop for a music producer where the operating system is corrupted, he was using it for years with the hard disk at full capacity so the operating system hasn’t run properly for a long while. All the normal tools don’t work and I was given explicit instructions not to reinstall windows due to all of his music stuff on there.

It looks likes all the user access rights for important windows folders are gone, and I’ve run a few processes to restore the user rights but the corruption is too much.

DISM might be working, here we go.

That’s a strawman. You are making irony out of something that whas not claimed.

See you are going off topic again.
It’s nice to see that your sole answer to your activity being used for criminal reasons is “but I know how to debug BSOD”. Literally proves the point that “you are not the sharpest tool in the shed”.

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You don’t even respond to points presented to you and you are yet to confirm if a ledgder that can’t be changed would be useful to accountants or the general practice of accounting. But yet I’m the one with strawman arguments? At least I try my best to answer questions honestly.

If your way of talking is to dismiss/ignore reasonable questions then I’m afraid it is you with the strawman argument.

I’m not sure that talking extensively on a subject you don’t quite understand (I’ve based this on your posts to do with technical issues regarding Bitcoin) displays intelligence, What is intelligent is gaining a full understanding on what you talk about before you talk about it.

Based on your post’s in both threads it’s clear you do not (and don’t want to) understand what Bitcoin is, You are stuck on believing it is a scam investment when that isn’t factual. I wouldn’t regard you as the sharpest tool in the shed either.

I can’t think how you and Aedaxus do as I like to consider all relevant info instead of dismissing it, you are unhappy that you can’t mould me into thinking like you do.

Just the CEO of the largest hedge fund in the world with 10 Trillion assets under management, taking about Bitcoin being an advancement and basically digital gold.

Same guy said a couple years ago that Bitcoin is a index of money laundering.

Looks like he changed his opinion.

Probably nothing

Yeah, he did what stefina and Aedaxus are doing, he ignored everything then decided that path was silly and started to learn more.

Not sure if stefina or Aedaxus are capable of reevaluating their opinion.

No you don’t. Answering the questions honestly would require you to not attack the person. Which you keep doing, meaning you are not honest.
Also you keep steering the topic sideways, which is another reason you are not honest.
And since you attribute to people claims they did not make, you are making strawmen. Which is another proof that you are not here to discuss, but to abuse that platform for your vested interest.

Indeed, most of your posts reeks of stupidity.
Also personal attacks, which are a proof you are dishonest.

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Someone tell me please why cryptobros tend to go straight to ad hominem when confronted about the problem with crypto?

Also I was not expecting to see the Dan Olson video here, having only seen it weeks ago.
(and then his Decentraland video made me finally try VRChat on desktop. Was surprisingly fun)

You’d think EVE marketeers/scammers would be best-positioned in exploiting NFTs for profit, except it not being the game makes it problematic.

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Are you reading the same thread? It seems that it’s mainly stefnia and Aedaxus who call everyone a criminal if they disagree with their opinion

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Noted, you still haven’t answered a totally reasonable question yet you want to tell me I don’t respond to points presented to me. Hypocrisy?

He’s obviously reading a completely different thread and has somehow confused it with this thread, either that or he has selective reading and understanding just like stefina and Aedaxus.

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