Nice to see CCP keeps their promises

I meant July and it was pretty clear from context that I meant July… it’s now been fixed.

It was, we’ve got the kill mails and the anchoring timers to prove it. Goons didn’t start anchoring Citadels for their cyno chain until the 2nd. You can see this because NC killed like half a dozen of them. You’re making assumptions with no proof here when we have a pretty clear timeline of events.

There’s no data on the graph of rat bounties for the time of the current war. That would be another drop, not the one we’re seeing mid-July.

So, because the nerfs haven’t hit Goons specifically hard enough the nerfs are meaningless? That’s not how economics works and it’s not how the ISK supply works…

Lol, again, case and point. Personal attacks in lieu of facts or any kind of coherent argument.

Dins, you passed over the part when I pointed out that bounties were still down from the peak in May. But cherry picking numbers isn’t a new thing for you, is it?

Looking forward to you rationalizing the August numbers when they come out.

Thanks for furthering my own agenda with the link!

Its not that “CCP backed the Wrong horse”, but that they “backed any horse what-so-ever” thats a tough pill to swallow.

Best CCP is the “CCP that is in it for the health of the game, not the players of the game”.

Having said the above, it’s got to be said that nothing they do will ever be good enough for everyone. Somone’s going to be upset with their changes. Someone’s going to Herp-a-derp-grrr-goons-T20-Sir-Molles-BBQ-M0o-salt up the forums over it. It’s like a cultural revolution is required. Current / Old one is dead boring in a gaming community.

bingo. :slight_smile:

Drain The Swamp!