NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNerf drone aggro

Considering the fact that there aren’t actually many people complaining about this proves you wrong.

The issue is definitely you, or do you seriously think that,
if it was an actual problem, there’d not be more people complaining?

Do you seriously think that?

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So why do you continue polluting these forums with your nonsense ?


Seriously there is some weird issue where npc’s just ignore your ship and hate your drones. Do all the things that don’t make sense.

Clear cache
Change solar system (to get a session change)
Change ship
Hell repackage the ship

Insane drone aggro is a thing but its a bug not a feature.

Basically, NPCs not dumb enough, is that what we are actually saying here?


For Farmers literally everything isn’t dumb or easy enough.
That’s why they’re cash cows and I apologize for insulting cows.

Cows are, in fact, not only not dumb … they’re also quite social.


Yep, defo on the eve O forums.

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114 replies…haven´t scanned them for the right answer cause it´s prob. pvp troll vs. farmer troll…here is the sollution to your problem.
Enemys have 6 valid targets, you and your 5 drones…if you recall 1 they choose another target which will be another drone at 80% chance…
Sollution…recall all drones and wait a few secs so every enemy targets your ship, launch drones and it will take a while before enemys switch targets again.
Happy farming

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Because no one wants answer? OP stated this is bug report or some sort of idea, but posted in general discussion…

Why help troll? Also there is bunch of correct answers because there is not drone aggro in null havens and no one have problem with them. Also 90% community want more aggro to get rid of bots.

Yeah, that was bait topic… Shame for me I joined discussion

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Thank you. Now I can add your name to my already full IGNORE list.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Wow, I never thought of it that way. You’re right. :slight_smile:

Very positive way of handling drones.

I think I will adapt to those key points.

/quoted wrong person though this is the one I wanted to comment on.


Wow looks like I hit a nerve.

Pointing out nerfing already stupid NPCs to make them even more useless is against community standards now? Do me a favour lol

I do get that when the aggro isn’t crazy, herp derp.

No it’s actually the brainless community standard to do that because the community clearly don’t have the brainpower to evaluate issues properly. The thought process you have is

read the word “nerf” ----> must mean make game easier ----> make post about L2P ----> wait for confirmation bias from other posters who fail to grasp the issue.

It’s not difficult to understand that nerfing the drone aggro to a reasonable level where it’s possible to have some periods where all 5 of your drones can attack so sites can be cleared in a reasonable amount of time is a very reasonable request. The drone aggro isn’t hard to deal with, all it does is make it incredibly slow to farm and there is no reason why it needs to be like that. Lowering the drone aggro doesn’t help bots because the drone aggro is still there, so if a bot can deal with aggro at all then it doesn’t matter, likewise if a bot can’t deal with aggro then it doesn’t matter. All the change would do is improve the quality of gameplay for active players. IT IS A GAME AFTER ALL.

Yes and your change to the rules to the game as intended will immediately buff every droneboat at a time when CCP are clearly following a policy of drone nerf in general.

Couldnt the same be said of Ammo?

If guns didnt use ammo, and because reloading or switching ammunition is incredibly slow to farm and there is no reason why it needs to be like this, shouldnt CCP remove ammo and reload times completely?

Not really because the ship are designed around them having to reload, so you can still farm competitively, and in fact they are superior to drone boats at farming for actual income. Whatever clever point you think you have to say, I already thought about it before I started this thread.

You are trying to argue when all Im literally doing is pointing out you want a change contrary to whats happening with the game.
Be as insulting as you like, but you know its true.

If you say so. I may be a not smart, but I have never had to do that.

There is a difference between a buff and a quality of life change. When farming becomes so slow it’s not worth that effort to undock, andyone with half a brain can understand that is an issue. Yet I still have to listen to the elite forum players pretend it isn’t just because they hate PVE.