No colored lasers for my ship

I have color when I use lasers. Always have. I actually teach new players to use the color they see during combat as a gauge to what range of ammo is being used against them, during pvp, or to realize they are using the wrong type for range.

I’ve been teaching this for, hm, going on 4 years now (on and off) and have never had anyone not see the colors.

Best of luck.

And if, you find out what the problem is, can you post that info? In this thread. Just in case someone else encounters this problem.

As stated several times, I can see the colors of lasers of enemy ships, so I can gauge what range of ammo is being used against me. But I can’t see the color of lasers of MY ship (or, oddly enough, my fleetmates).

What kind of system specs are you running graphics wise?

I think your hardware is giving you grief. My graphics are low low low and I have all the colors.

NVidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti.

the colors used to be much more prominent back before ccp upgrade the turret fire graphics. the previews from the old devblog showed distinct colors and even large area glow on the ship when lasers fired but for some reason when it was implemented all the lasers became very muted and the effects thinned out.

ive seen it mentioned here and there but i dont believe ccp ever gave a response as best as i can recall.
its not just the colors but the laser trails themselves are much skinnier and harder to see now.
i still get all the colors though they just appeard faded. idk why you wouldnt be able to see any colors at all, they just shouldnt be very saturated liked they used to be. its almost like pastels now.

Little anemic tbh. If the rest of your setup follows suit I think we may have the issue.

Those previews were likely edited to make them look good. Blasters used to have a really nice glow to them in CCP advert media that I never really saw in game for instance.

My lasers are colored. You have some fake crystals.

Maybe he bought his crystals on discount from an ISK doubler. :rofl:

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I run Total War: Warhammer 2 on max graphics settings, max resolution (large monitor) with good frame rates and no hiccups. Eve has never been known as a game that needs even 1/10th of that kind of capability, and I can run it comfortably on a wimpy notebook computer, so I don’t think that’s the issue.

Not with any degree of graphical quality you can’t.

You said you were running Incursions? The Sansha Incursion visual effect which turns the system that sludgy green/brown colour masks the colour of your lasers so they will appear a grey/dark green colour regardless of crystal.

I believe you can remove the system effect by turning off post-processing in the graphics menu and then the system should return to its normal colour and so will your lasers match the colour to the crystal used.

The Sansha red lasers always show up.

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Yes indeed I am running Sansha Incursions. Thank you for suggesting this as a possible cause.

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