No Downtime - Again!

They are not actual inventory items, but they are “Dungeon Distributions” as far as I know and this particular feature may be something that only runs on server startup. Please send us a bug report and reply back with the EBR number.

@CCP_Explorer is the skilling spree on halt due to no DT, and will it be back tomorrow?

I don’t think any events or sprees were active yesterday… (and are therefore not active today and won’t be active tomorrow) but I’m asking around.

thanks… im just relaying messages i’m seeing in rookie help :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m on the east coast of the US and get up really early in the morning. Usually for me downtime is seasonal for me depending on daylight savings time and the lack of a pandemic (that’s messed up my sleep cycle in a very big way).

As for the health issues…
You are absolutely right about that and no, I’m not taking any of it into account. I’m not sure I should have to though seeing as people should try to take care of themselves. I would like to say that I don’t have an addiction to gaming but there is a strong possibility that my interest in Eve could easily disprove this, I would find it pretty hard to argue that I don’t play to much if given the time and opportunity.
Since we have been in a pandemic though I have learned that a lot of people not only don’t care about their own health they also don’t seem to care about the health of others, and that brings me back to where I said I don’t think I should have to take into account the health problems steming from gaming. What I have learned from the pandemic is that if a sizable group of people refuse to take care of themselves it has a huge effect on those who do, and perhaps gaming related health issues suddenly seem more important. The hospitals are already full (where I am) right now, allowing it to get worse for any reason would be irresponsible.
I don’t see downtime as helping or hindering this all that much, but I never though of what you brought up before and so I don’t know.
It’s a really interesting question though, do the people who experience downtime more than others get any health benefits from it? It seems that this would be rather difficult to find out, but it’s got me curious.

I am chiming in on that real quick. A scheduling error caused the lack of daily challenges and the skilling spree yesterday and today on our end, not the No Downtime test itself. If not for that, these would have been active as usual.

However, we currently need DT to activate them, so they will return tomorrow after 11:00 UTC. Good learning and something to investigate for the future :slight_smile:


You really seem obsessed with the ‘evils’ of tidi. You know you never have to experience it, right?


@CCP_Explorer As for some reason can no longer reply to the feedback thread I post it here…


I only know the specifics of the Parchanier COSMOS site so only bug reported that specific one with as many and precise details as I could but take note that there are probably plenty of other similar COSMOS sites that are broken the same way as this one.

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I’ve forwarded the feedback thread issue to the relevant people; there is something weird happening with the settings on that thread.

I’ve located the EBR you sent; we have already a few bug reports on issues that look very similar so we will be collecting them all.

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Not to put words in @CCP_Explorer 's mouth, but I’ve been told by several GM’s that there is very little support being offered for COSMOS, since they are a one time only set of missions.

some of us with United Standings Improvement Agency, had the idea that since very little support is being offered, why not try combining COSMOS into the regular mission shuffle.

Dude, CCP is in no way responsible for people making poor choices about their health or the health of their families. Downtime doesn’t have any meaningful impact on that kind of a scenario, and using it as an argument to not work toward a more seamless play experience for anyone is dishonest.

There are no reasons beyond the technical needs for downtime to keep it, and if CCP can resolve the technical dependencies, getting rid of downtime is a boon to everyone - players can a smoother game experience, and CCP doesn’t have to watch EVE like a hawk at downtime to make sure it reboots successfully.

CCP devs are aware that there are still obstacles to removing downtime that are not solved today. The purpose of the test is to see what they have not yet identified so they can continue removing downtime code dependencies in their ongoing EVE development.


That’s right. I am! You heard me! It’s all me! I am responsible for all of the poor health choices made by everyone int he WORLD!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I CONTROL ALL! KNEEL, SON OF JOR-EL! KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!!

(I dunno, it seems to make as much sense as blaming CCP.)


I’ve been running enemies abound missions for isk… I have 7 of them lined up for today and none of the NPCs respawned for me to kill and gather my loot. This is a serious negative impact on my gameplay in terms of my ability to farm isk regularly.

Not sure if that would be possible or feasible as these require special items to be collected by unusual means and often these items are farmed and offered at extreme prices not to mention they are usually rare or even extreme rare drops to begin with thus would be a great source of frustration and disappointment for the players.

Of course some popcorn worthy salt is no issue for me personally but am sure CCP and support would prefer to avoid the floodgates this might present so probably not a good idea even besides the point of if at all possible to shift the mission over or how difficult it is to do so but even if they would the drop rates of the mission items should also be altered which also is something I don’t see CCP would do nor might even could do without messing stuff up.

So although at a quick glance it sounds good probably not something CCP would put the effort into and even if they did probably would just become an even greater pile of mess than it already is. In my opinion anyway.

looking back at the ticket i submitted, GM stated that if the devs could reboot the cosmos to not be one time only or merge them with regular missions, kinda like storylines, then that could give the GM’s more wiggle room to offer assistance.

Can you send us a bug report, please, with the details on these NPCs and/or sites; and reply back with the EBR number?

I see what you mean but due to the limited scope of availability of the mission items and as the demand would increase considerably, maybe even by several magnitudes I think it would be quite overwhelming for support to handle the influx of related requests. Of course this is just an educated guess on my part but I think is reasonable.

So if they shifted the COSMOS missions to the mission pool (even if as a rare variant not as often available similar to storyline ones) they should alter the spawn rate of the required items and do so without flaw or correct any flaws within reasonable amount of time. Which let’s be honest might not be something they are willing nor have time and attention for.

true… I mean i wouldn’t want them in the same vein that they are now, they would def have to alter how the loot is etc.

but with GM’s unable to restart them or give missing loot for whatever reason, that kinda makes me not want to run them if something were to happen.

You are not alone a lot of people refuse to run them for that reason.

Btw sometimes the items are missing because of other players but of course the victims often keep silent about such details and instead present if the items are missing on their own. :slight_smile:

Yesterday I was part of a fleet to bash a tiny little Fortizar. Some people decided to bring big toys just for the fun of it. Snuff is in range of that place. You know how things snowball, right? Never have to is not an option in EVE. And yes, I am obsessed with it because it is the single-most shittiest experience imaginable in EVE.