No gambling and microtransactions in EVE. Jita monument needs some love

I agree.

With who? :slight_smile:

Karak Terrel

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I agree to. It’s a quick fix on CCP’s behalf. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if they got a decent burst out of it, then called it quits on the project.

This is naive at best.

Do you REALLY think when it’s live nobody will do it?

Only a minority(maybe 10%) of the players are stucked in 2005 and deny everything that was not live at world war II(exaggerated)

Don’t misjudge the reactions here with what will happen ingame…some people here talk about ww II and think ‘this is how eve has to be forever’ despite the world moves on since that.

Gambling and yes let’s call it ‘loot boxes’ in various forms are total normal today and the ‘grandpa minority’ here in the forum that wants nothing to be changed raging about it says NOTHING…

Exactly THAT is what the people raging here will NEVER accept…

That the sell HAD an influence,

They rather believe the fairy tale that ‘ccp will stay independent’ and ‘Pearl Abyss just bought the knowledge of CCP’…

Naive at best,but maybe the only way those people can keep their world together in the bubble they are living in …

With the one at the top right corner who he answered to :slight_smile:

Good riddance.

More bollocks.

The world will stop turning


I totally forgpt that you can stalk every single post of me with that childish insults without any cause and meaning…

Shut up balos.


You are nothing more than a stupid kid nicolai…go right there in the corner and sit on the timeout chair…

No lunch for you today…

Shut up balos


I shutted you up…



Can you stop turning this topic to pile of trash. Please? At this point you are even worse troll than him and you bring nothing valuable here. Ignore if you don’t like him.

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It’s CCPs game and they can do whatever they want to do. Nobody is forcing you to continue to play.

But by all of they players around here that don’t give a ■■■■ and don’t care about game future. I feel like I’m forced to not share my opinion and concerns.

@Karak_Terrel Was more than right…

No, it was trash already when you started it.