No I will not give it back

Pilot name @Hypermet_ Item_Claim

You or a pilot under your demise created a Hypernet offer using the correct system and now you are wanting it back?

You can not have it back as this ship now belongs to Safety

Please don’t forget about me!


Frosty would rather give this hyoernet win to our Princess :princess:

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Maybe send the guy an EVEmail to tell him this and share us a screenshot about it. In case he replies back share that as a screenshot as well. :wink:

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No, frosty has no friends to sent out and only responds to pilots who send him evemail.

Miner life is a busy life you know!

Sounds like New Eden is a no frostposting zone. :eyes:

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:


Yeah it was just an attempt to be funny

/ but that pilot who tried to scam us not me

//frosty just wanted to make a heads up thread so others don’t fall for something like that!

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Let it be known that Frosty will never scam anyone and if you win a hypernet we won’t be asking for it back!
@Hypermet_item_claim just get good noob!

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This needs work. For 1 billion ISK and full access to his wallet, Zaera can teach Frosty the art of being funny


You got the Scammer :grimacing:

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