Matari, please! It’s a cruiser-and-a-half. Not that big
Especially with all the it brings. Maybe not so much in ISK@Jita value, but in consumption value (stuff you use that you don’t have to buy, manufacturing inputs, etc), especially when you live far from tradehubs and things are more expensive to import (courier fee or time/risk) than they are to source locally.
I did mention that my main gripe with this was the fact that I enjoy a mobile lifestyle in this game. 270,000 is a lot of space, so is 15,000. When I go out on my ventures, I basically take whatever will fit.
It just seems silly to me that a mining barge with 100k, 150k, and 200k can be folded down into 3750 each but not this one?
Nothing wrong with the Noctis. I salvage missions very quickly. Four tractor beams and four salvagers makes quick work of the mess I leave in the wake of my mission battle ship.
Granted I’m sure their are other ships out their that can do the job in much the same way as you can fit a battle ship to mine roids but why would you when you can use a Hulk? Use the right tool for the job and for salvaging the Noctis is definitely that.
Not everythign but noctis is pretty bad - if it at least had 3K m3 of cargo space… other than the bonus to tarctor beam it is quite crap. Especially once price that is taken into account.