Your alliance was stolen from underneath you by a bunch of kids then you consecutively lost your next alliances due to poor management and sheer incompetence.
As a pilot your skill level is below average at best and as a fleet commander we all know how good you are.
Whatever faint traces of dignity you had left after losing your alliance completely vanished after getting back together with the same people who stole your alliance and thrashed you on the forums for an entire year.
You are the worst choice for any kind of PR activity.
As a matter of fact we’re available once again! Our long term null contract is paused for a least a while, so the calendar is reopened (I’ve had to turn down quite a few asks due to our long term commitment so get in while you can!)
Our recent long term contract in Great Wildlands has concluded. We’re going off-market for October so we can focus on prep for the Alliance Tournament. Pretty excited about our prospects this year!
We’ll return to active service after the tournament. I’ll post more specific details here and will continue to take interest in large contracts for the next available spot.