Non-consensual Gank of a Ragnarok

and that is the major reason there is so much salt on the forum. the rules should be slightly more concrete, stating that.
“these rules only apply during a masstest” either before or after the rules being displayed. probably best before, that way there can be no “well it doesn’t say that until later” bs that someone was trying to push.

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I think that if this is the case (ambiguity), then the reason for this maybe be to try to get Capsuleers using the test server to exercise some degree of etiquette while using the service. Outside of mass testing, it is nice to see some level of safety here through this etiquette, but I also made the assumption, based on reading (what I assumed was a synopsis) of the rules, of the test server. I suppose that any reply from CCP will either change the rules or take away from the weight of the possible risk carries in ones’ mind.

So the possibilities are that the rule are vague for the sake of social etiquette, CCP is investigating, or we are reading a lot into a large uncertainty. That CCP is just unconcerned is most unlikely. They have been most responsive to me -even when it was blunder or misunderstanding on my part, even regarding SISI issues. I am a black and white sort of Capsuleer. I like rules to be clear. Now they are uncertain. The big area of uncertainty is surrounding silence from CCP and the fact Amak Boma cannot really discuss the CCP reply now that they are involved. There is also the Doomsday thing… were any of the ships aggressed by the device inadvertently? So I will go back to my own SISI issues (I can’t even use the test server right now). I go file a ticket …

Fly less conservative than I, Rumi Shanti o7

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