Noob explorer struggling with gate camps in Null

To be fair, if hictors couldn’t catch all the things, they would not be much good to New Eden.

No. 500mn Hictors are broken and pretty much everyone except CCP knows this.

What a load of rubbish. Couldn’t possibly be true. :thinking: (sneaks away to fit 500mn hictor)

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Son, what you need are wormholes.

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Another idea is to use an interceptor. If you get it under 2 seconds align time you are essentially uncatchable as long as you play it smart. Interceptors are completely immune to warp disruption bubbles, so unless if you are locked and scrammed/longpointed, you will be able to warp out of gatecamps every time, and if you DO have under 2 seconds align time, you physically cant be locked onto and pointed due to how t he servers work.

Smart is the key word there. You can still die to smartbomb gatecamps unless if you have enough buffer to tank it, however you wont be on gates for long and these are mainly prominent in LowSec. Also you can avoid these pretty easily anyway by just simply warping onto the gate from a celestial so you do not land within the smartbomber’s range.

Interceptors are sick except unlike T2 exploration frigs and the Astero, you cannot warp cloaked, so I suppose if you are coming from T1 Frigs you’ll be used to that. However the fact that you basically can warp gate to gate with ease, and with out any trouble from gatecamps, its a tradeoff well worth it.

The main downside to ceptors is that unlike your Exploration frigates, it isnt designed with exploration in mind and so the bonuses are not geared towards exploration at all. This means your probe strength will be worse and so will your virus coherence when you are playing the hacking minigame, though with decent skills, rigs and faction probes (if you can afford to lose them), this shouldn’t be a huge problem, just a bit of inconvenience.

There are 8 Interceptors to choose from, so 2 from each race, however my personal favourite is the Raptor. When fitted properly it is a treat to fly and very recently has gotten me out of some sketchy situations that I easily would have died from had I been in any of the exploration Frigates, including the T2 ones and the Astero. I have been chased by sov holding locals and people trying to gank me on site, however they all failed because my Raptor was too fast :3

I would give you a fit for the Raptor however the only tried and true fit I have for the Raptor is for a specific type of data site, only found in a certain portion of the map, and so the fit wouldn’t help you for regular data and relic sites. Also it may be easier for you to train into a different ceptor if you already have one of the racial frigate skills to lvl 5, however if you need any help fitting wise feel free to send me a message. Thats my massive Interceptor advertisement over :slight_smile:

go to

Find a high sec system for thera on the site, scan the sig down, scan a null system in thera with the sig on the site, bingo your now in null.


Also check

I can’t even remember when I was last time killed in bubble flying a covops. There was one time when I disregarded security and jumped from gate to gate, got into drag bubble with a lot of intentionally placed debris and lost cloak. Ironically, I survived somehow, even got acknowledgment of my skills™ from campers, though what I did were a lot of panic key mashing lol.

  1. Use wh, not gates. Learn your ways around them, it’s safer to go between highs and nulls through wh space
  2. Learn to fly covops, usual frigates have little chances to get out of bubble once they are caught. If you got into bubble in non-stealthy ship, don’t try to get out unless you are at very edge of it and have warpable object at this very direction, run to the gate and try to jump back. You still can get alfed or scrammed/webbed, but that’s life
  3. Optionally, try to fly ceptors when exploring (data/relic sites). They are immune to bubbles (if nothing was changed recently). Never tried it, but people do.

lock command , and scram command , both require their own round-trip to the server . no matter how fast the lock time , or hot-locking , it’s still two ticks .

Interceptors don’t have 3 rig slots.
Others are wrong.

As far as I know none of the T2 frigates have more than 2 rig slots. The Cheatah and the Interceptors are the same for rig space.

Other options are the Buzzard besides the Cheatah. I love the Cheatah… it is a sick nulsec exploration ship. I even use it in FW space to scout out enemy locations ahead of the main fleet.

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