Noob getting locked up

I started yesterday and twice now in the tutorial I have been told that concord has a new mission for me and twice i have not been able to find the activate button anywhere. So I am stuck; likely the issue is with me but just not seeing it so can’t move on. Not a very good start!!
Bail me out please.

I have no idea what this means. What happened in the tutorial just before that?

Activate button? Were you told there was an activate button?

A screen shot or three might work wonders here.

Ask for help in the in game rookie help chat channel. You should be automatically in it when you start playing.

Not that we don’t want to help you, but it will be much easier for someone to help you while you’re in game with them, and there are GMs in there and others that are very familiar with these kinds of questions.

Good luck! o7

(And yes, I know what you mean by activate button, but no idea why it’s not popping up.:smiley:)


There are two scenarios here… but they mostly mean the same thing:

  • You have started a mission chain and the next mission requires you to head to a different station/system. With few exceptions, you need to be at the mission agent’s station to accept their mission.

  • You have completed 8 missions for a certain corporation/faction. requires you to head to a different station/system. With few exceptions, you need to be at the mission agent’s station to accept their mission.

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You may find additional info in the Agency window, but to ask in New Player Chat indeed is the quickest way to get the problem solved.

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