Old account, only really mined now and then due to time constraints never been really able to get into EVE fully but I digress.
I’m asking here because I’d like some insight from the more experienced people that are benevolent enough to share their vast knowledge with the rest of us. I have a couple things I’d like to ask, all of them are sorta related to Mining or Industry overall to be fair.
• Fitting ships, how and whats
I’m not familiar how this works or even what it is (YES, I am that much off a noob, pardon my lack of knowledge and time). I’ve sorta just googled in the last two days with this “Ship Name + Fittings” and generally rolled with whatever was there but I obviously have no knowledge of what it even is. Anyway I can get an explanation or just direction where to look at to learn how to fit a ship properly for a purpose?
TL;DR - How can I learn to fit ships properly
• Mining, the right way
Aight, so how would I go about mining the “right way” so to say, because currently all I’ve done is; Go to belt, mine resource, refine, sell. No real thought behind it or anything like that. I have saved resources as well to build ships like the Mammoth and Rifter because I got BPO (Blueprint Originals?) of those two.
Also not really ventured lower than 0.7 for mining since I didn’t have a lot of time to invest back then and losing something as “cheap” as a Venture felt bad. Though, coming back 2 days ago, getting my hands on a Retriever and losing it literally 10mins later to some Anthylsos Lancers (Think that’s what they were called) sucked massively xD I did end up just going away for a few hours doing something else since I felt like an idiot for losing the ship instantly.
Am I being “smart” by using this Ore Chart and going for whatever has the highest isk/m3 that I feel comfortable mining? Like, Massive Scordite as an example has 80.12/m3 or is that dumb?
TL;DR - How do I do this efficiently? (Solo)
• Corporations, how and whats
I’m in a corp but its honestly one that a IRL friend of mine made ages ago and invited me to but I digress.
The thing I want to know here a bit is like, should I make a corp or join a corp? I’m playing with 2 other IRL buddies and we’ve talked a bit that we’d perhaps like to just make our own Corp.
Now, I’ve understood that by reading EVEUNI Wiki about forming a corp that there are 3 major things I should consider
- Who is joining
- Purpose of the Corp
- Location of the Corp
Also read that I shouldn’t have “Mining” or the like in the name due to Wardec (War Declarations?) correct me if I’m wrong or not.
Now, 1 and 2 are super simple to understand and decide on (for me at least) but I got really confused when reading point 3 about Location, how would I even go about deciding where to put one? It’s telling me to look at a map of Eden but I got no idea how to even use this webpage it’s linking to. Help?
TL;DR - Join a Corp or Make one, if make one. How do I decide on location of corp HQ? Does it even matter?
• Common Lingo
Literally what it says, some common lingo that’s used in EVE would be great to know. Like I have no idea what “Wardec” means, I’m guessing War Declaration because it makes sense in the context its been used so I’d like to learn some EVE “Speak”.
TL;DR - Teach me how to EVE Speak
• PVP, how to not suck and how to protect yourself
So, sorta like I made the “title” of this. Anywhere I can read or whatever on how to PvP (example; gank someone) or how to see warning signs on about to get ganked when out mining or whatever.
A preemptive thank you to all of you that decide to chip in with some knowledge!