I am confused. Which of the displayed standings is correct ?
The first is displayed on going into my private corp…Opus Dei. This char is the only one in the corp that has standings with State War Academy. So how can the corp have standings of -2.57 due solely to this char whilst at the same time my ‘personal’ standings with State War Academy are only -0.55 ?
The corporation NPC standings are, AFAIK, not affected by social skills.
A capsuleer can have -2.57 standings but with Diplomacy skilled up, that’s going to be -0.55 effective standings to your capsuleer, while the corporation gets the -2.57 standings.
If you hover the mouse curser over the small question mark right of the -0.55 listing, a tooltip menu will list the raw value and the skill modifiers:
I think you’re confusing NPC corp standing and faction standing. Having -5.0 with a Caldari-aligned corp is not going to set the Caldari faction police on you. Having -5.0 with Caldari State (the faction) will, however.