NPC Corp Standings

I am confused. Which of the displayed standings is correct ?

The first is displayed on going into my private corp…Opus Dei. This char is the only one in the corp that has standings with State War Academy. So how can the corp have standings of -2.57 due solely to this char whilst at the same time my ‘personal’ standings with State War Academy are only -0.55 ?

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The one that makes you feel better about yourself.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


The top is your standings with that specific agent.

The corporation NPC standings are, AFAIK, not affected by social skills.
A capsuleer can have -2.57 standings but with Diplomacy skilled up, that’s going to be -0.55 effective standings to your capsuleer, while the corporation gets the -2.57 standings.

If you hover the mouse curser over the small question mark right of the -0.55 listing, a tooltip menu will list the raw value and the skill modifiers:

But which one matters in terms in terms of getting to -5.0 and becoming persona non grata ?

Your personal standings, and only those, unlock missions and epic arcs.

Can I have the one where you undock and fight off the faction police for me ?

Corporation standings only matter when it comes to fac warfare. And thats with base standings.

Anything else in game, is personal standings.

So I can pod as many NPC corp people as I like…get to -5.0 standing…and nothing will happen ?

I think you’re confusing NPC corp standing and faction standing. Having -5.0 with a Caldari-aligned corp is not going to set the Caldari faction police on you. Having -5.0 with Caldari State (the faction) will, however.

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So lemme clarify.

Your corp xyz bitches… if its -2.57 with cal state. That means nothing except your corp cannot enlist in fac warfare

Now if gloria has -.55 effective with cal state, that means you’re not restricted to L1 missions.

If gloria is -5 effective with gallente fed, that means you will be attacked in gallente space.

Sec standings work similar. If your sec is -5 youll be attacked in all hisec

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Spelling? Sry, just had to poke the bear. :wink:

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Spelling? Or texting on a circa 1980 cell phone?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

It’s hard not to pick on you since it’s so easy.

I have no clue what you mean.

I expect no less from you.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Back at you.

I recall my son texting ‘Soz’ for ‘sorry’. That must have been, what, early nineties?

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My spelling is atrocious. Yet I still miss the spelling and punction police.

Posting on the forums is just like undocking…

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I was saying it as i was typing it. I tend to type how i speak

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