NPC corporation tax should be removed

Great idea.
It would also prevent the “structures only in a holding corp” situation.
The only issue is that taxes currenty apply to very few things, only much of a penatly for dedicated ratters.

Agree CCP should remove the tax.

What problem with holding corp? If there is no one to defend structure in holding corp - it’s free kill and core for taking. If there is someone to defend structure - you get your pvp. Win-win?

3 things i was refering to:
There is a significant difference between jumping corp to defend a structure or being in a wardecked corp
War can be avoided just by placing structures in another corp
If one wants to avod wars one have to place structures i another corp

Neither of them are significant problems on their own, more like problematic consequences

Well first of all, cores are a new development, and for the past 4 years, weren’t a factor. Someone destroying a station would get a few million ISK in fuel and ammo, and that’s it. Second, even with cores, the payout for a station siege just isn’t that enticing. Splitting a few hundred million five-ish ways (best case scenario) for 3 timers’ worth of work is less money (and more danger) than running missions in high-sec.

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It’s neither good gameplay nor appropriate risk/reward.

The miners, the mission runners, all the wealth generators are still farming with no risk. No commitment. No meaningful choice.

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According to CCP data, wars declared on highsec players make them just stop playing at all for the length of war, this was considered bad for the game and thus changed to current state, there aggressors have means to enforce pvp on groups which ready to protect or lose their assets. So you guarantied to get pvp or core.

Your suggestion will lead to pve players will join wardeccable corps to avoid taxes and stop playing for the length of war as they done before. I don’t see any benefit for the game there.

And before you start talking about “they chose wrong game…” stuff, just remember, what significant part of this players are paying customers and therefore important for the EvE as game and CCP as company.

Everything makes those players stop playing for the duration of whatever. Go get suspect-flagged and warp into a high-sec belt with miners in it. They’re going to warp to station, dock up, and log off.

No, shut up. Just go and try it.


So what? How make them not playing and not paying for the game time is good for the CCP as business?

The only way to make the game palatable for them is to remove all of the bits that they dislike, which happen to be anything related to player interaction and emergent gameplay. If that’s what you’re advocating for, well, I guess that’s your prerogative.

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I don’t care about some scared miners in highsec belts, unless they are botters. They are having their fun and don’t detract anything from my enjoyment. I don’t understand why you care so much about them.

You asking to change game rules to hurt some players without any foreseeable benefit both from gameplay and business perspective.

You’re cherry-picking the issues, and the individuals you want to cater to. If your goal is to ensure that people don’t dock up and log off because they feel threatened, you should be aiming to prevent anything from making players react this way, and not just wars. For example, you should also be asking for CCP to remove suicide-ganking from the game, because every time a CODE. member warps to a belt, the (active) miners in there react by docking up and logging off.

Wars can’t be the only factor you’re considering in this regard. If you are, that’s very narrow-sighted of you.

CCP looked into suicide ganking and not considered it bad for the game, so they don’t change rules for this aspect of the game. Wardecs in previous state was considered bad and changed, you can see the difference?

Thats a choice. There was always plenty of ways to play while decced, some people simply chose not to use them.

Now, if the majority refuse to engage then you might have a case, but what does that say about all the other content people also refuse to participate in?

CCP has changed many things over the years, sometimes many times, repeatedly. So if your only goal here is to reinforce CCP’s decisions as law, you shouldn’t get too far ahead of yourself.

This is why I ask you and other people, why you think it will be beneficial for CCP to add tax to non-wardeccable corporations?

That’s an easy answer.

Because without an incentive, no one will willingly expose themselves to war. And if no one does that, the element of risk in the game (high-sec in particular) suffers as a result. Without risk, opportunities and rewards also need to decrease, otherwise there’s going to exist an imbalance between the various areas of space. Which is, coincidentally, exactly what’s happening right now.

It’s not natural for a game about competition for resources, struggle for political power, and massive spaceship fleet warfare to have like two-thirds of its population living in a “safe” area of space, and playing the game like a single-player experience by not interacting with anyone and just farming basic resources all day.

But you asking CCP to basically revert their change and get back to situation we had before:

  • Some people hide in taxed corps to avoid wardecs
  • (Very) few people fight back
  • Most of people just log off for the length of war

CCP evaluated data and proceeded with the changes. Why do you think they need to get back to old scheme?

P.S. I agree, what rewards for highsec players must be decreased, namely from mission running. 200-300 mil per hour in almost absolute safety is insane. Other highsec dwellers don’t earn too much really.

Well first of all, I don’t think that this should be done without other changes to war mechanics in place. Mainly, a restructuring of the payment system in order to provide the defenders an ability to win wars, or at least provide financial incentives for them to fight (I’m making a very big write-up about this which might be done in a few months).

But like I said before, it doesn’t really matter what causes people to log off and stop playing, because for some people, it will be literally anything.

Wars, as they are now, serve no purpose aside from merely existing as a legacy feature that has defined EVE in the past, and without which there might be lots of negative PR involved. They can’t flat-out remove wars because of the message that would send, so they neutered them instead, by making them 100% optional.

Jita Holding killing tens of war targets daily and having tens or wars currently will not agree with you about “no purpose” feature.