By the way, tell me, what exaclty will be better if all carebears suddenly leave this game?
Yes there is. I hated being in NPC corps and in fact donât want to be in one at all. I have one simply so I can be left alone to do as I please. I have no interest in, or need for setting up a structure for the most part and have, over the last year lost a hell of a lot of stuff because I wanted to do things in player stations rather than NPC ones just to help out and kind of say thanks to them for putting up a place where I could make stuff, store my crap, and fix my ships. I see no reason in the world why I should pay 11% to an NPC corp, have the confusion of thousands of potentially hostile âcorp matesâ floating about all over space when I can spend a bit and make my own.
The sole reason I have my own corp is to not be in a corp at all, I honestly would like to see that be a thing instead, people who donât want to be in a corp should be able to simply leave and go do as they please.
Also, on top of CCPs login spam I have to close the dammed corp chat window every time I log in, and that, as they say, is a truly first world problem.
Iâve made a few alts, one of which I signed up for faction warfare just to make things harder, Iâm thinking of leaving, but not because it made things harder, surprisingly it didnât, but what it did do was expose me to a number of total douchebags in Militia chat (this is another with her own corp) and so I close that now too (meaning the militia chat window).
To me the whole corporation thing would be fine if those who donât want to be in one could get out but thatâs not the case, we have to be in one, itâs not an option and it should be. The list of negative things about being in one is, again for me, way longer than the list of reasons to have my own, in fact there is one reason to have my own, I donât want to be in one at all.
All of them are not going to leave. Some will, the most vocal ones, and then the game can get back to its original development track, i.e. the one it had during its first ~8 years or so. the useless high-sec solo-farming rubbish will be replaced by regular players who are intrigued by the EVE universe, as they were during the first decade, when EVE had interesting stories, and not just generic media coverage of 7,000-person null-sec fleet battles sprinkled with micro-transaction banner ads everywhere.
It is safe to predict, what all people who was logging out to avoid wars will leave, right? This is a lot of people. And how exactly they intervene with your gameplay and prevent interesting stories?
They didnât before. Only a small fraction left, and usually because they had terrible leadership that told them to.
CCP data presented tell otherwise. Most wars was one-sided with most of targets just not playing at all.
Because the war mechanic itself is incomplete and unrefined. It needs meaningful changes, such as member count-based handicaps, and the ability for defending parties to have incentives, such as being able to win the war fee via successful defensive ops.
And how exactly carebears intervene with your gameplay and prevent interesting stories from happening?
This is a fairly obtuse and inaccurate reading of events. Its really the self perpetuating myth that is the cause of all this.
One sided ONLY if you take direct military action. Assymetric activity is infact rarely in the organised aggressorâs favour.
CCP could easily fix most of the problems with wars by scaling the war fee according to the ratio between attackers and defenders. And not in the ass-backwards way they did it a few years ago when you paid more the more members your target had, but in a rational manner in which you pay more if you outnumber the receiving party, or pay less if they outnumber you.
The reason they never did it this way is likely because they donât want a rational system that makes sense; they just want linear transactions and ISK sinks they can quantify.
I donât know, really. According to CCP , a lot of players chosen not to play for war duration and many of them never come back after war end. It was so bad, so usually sluggish and slow CCP devepment acted relatively quick on this issue.
There is no reason to not believe CCP, in this case.
removing NPC corp tax wont change much at all.
Adding a tax to Player corps as an ISK sink wont do a damn thing, unless you make it so exorbitant that it will literally break a corporation in due time.
With npc Taxes, ppl complain about it all the time, or seem toâŚbut the taxes is really nothing and so is the arguments against them. 100,000 ISK = 11,000 ISKâŚin most cases thats a single frigate rat and missions and HS belts have hundreds of the damn things, with miners you dont kill enough to pay taxesâŚwith courier mission runners or mining mission runners you dont make enough ISK to pay taxes doing up to lv3âs.
Now as to wardecsâŚgarbage play.
Really a war dec corp should be charged a standard fee plus at least 1 million ISK per pilot they have more than the target they decâd (and scale for alliances obviously) and have it so if you bring more characters into the dec group you automatically face having to pay the ISK immediately or reject the recruit.
Also the ally mechanic makes things borked, if a 10 man corp is at war with a 10 man corp the defender should be required to pay 100 million+1 million per character of the ally joining the fight to Concord.
Maybe those two things together might relevel the playing fieldâŚso we can go back to Decing anyone we wish and not just structure ownersâŚcause right now ganking is proving to be the preferred method cause too many are not war-deccable.
And as to the guy talking about bullying out of areasâŚwell if 100 players are using resources and gameplay in an area, and you are not blue, and refuse to be blue (like join them) and basically trying to compete with their collection efforts, and basically attempting to steal from them, then you deserve to be shot/bullied/whatever cause if you are not blue you are gooâŚget REKT son.
Hopelessness is exacerbated by bad odds.
When you have a group of 400 hyper-competent veterans declaring war on your 50-man PvE corporation, you know that you have no chance. But in the past, when wardec corporations were much smaller (much like my own), and the defenders generally outnumbered the attackers, defenders were much more willing to put up resistance efforts, and were much less willing to quit.
The old disparity between attacker/defender efficiency still favored attackers due to skill, but the delta was nowhere near what it is today. CCP created the worst possible system by implementing mechanics that pushed all the high-sec pirates to consolidate into massive cartels. If they provide incentive for them to break up into smaller groups, a lot of the problems with wars will be alleviated.
I would go beyond that, and apply a logarithmic formula. If it would take a 500-strong group billions to wardec a 50-man corporation, then wars would become inherently more balanced, because warring parties would be pushed to be of similar size. In exchange, no more structure requirements, and no more ridiculous ally system. And a heavier tax to provide incentive for joining player corporations.
Im not saying I dont, and Im not saying war couldnt be improved.
What Im saying that making it impossible simply fills space with people who give up when things get difficult, or beg the game to change rather than working out a strategy to get around it.
Why is it preferable to have quitters rather than problem solvers as allies, neutrals and rivals?
Just to be Dracâs Advocate here, but wouldnt that just dilute the 500 strong group into 10 50-strong groups? Not that Im saying thats bad, havent thought that far head.
Youâre always in a corp, thats just how the game works, if you donât want to be with others you just create a 1 man corp and go about your day, you are however playing an MMO this isnât a singleplayer game so you might find later down the line that youâre going to have issues
Sounds like you might actually want to play the X series of games instead of EVE
The game just doesnât work without that as its assumed to be part of the core of EVE, again, this is an MMO and the social aspect is the largest driving force for keeping people engaged, you may genuinely have picked the wrong genre of games, like i said, try the X games, they are singleplayer
Because problem solvers as allies, neutrals and rivals donât grow on trees and will not magically replace quitters as paying customers. EvE have space for both groups, too much space, actually.
Thatâs quite literally the intent. Combine that with a nice mercenary market interface, and youâve got something interesting going. We had this, during the first couple of years, but then CCP screwed everything up instead of working on iterations to the system.

would go beyond that, and apply a logarithmic formula. If it would take a 500-strong group billions to wardec a 50-man corporation,
cant say i do not disagree with you, for me i was being over simplistic in my thoughts considering the mention from someone of CCP probably wanting simple blanket ISK transactions(or something like that).
I dont see what would be different.