Null-sec Corp recruiting well rounded, experienced pilots - UMAH [EU/US/AUNZ]

mooooooaaaarr! :smiley:

Pling plong - UMAH are open for business and we are looking for pilots in all timezones! :slight_smile:

Sell your soul (ESI) to us HERE

Alive and kicking :smiley: Looking for pilots in all timezones!

Sell your soul (ESI) to us HERE

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To the top :wink: Searching for more pilots! :slight_smile:

We are moving away from SeAT and joining the AUTH-IT-nerds so be one of the first to take the step into UMAH without new website :slight_smile: Just shove that soul (ESI) to us and lets have a chat… we are open for all timezone pilots <3 Have the heart at the right place and it will be allright :wink:

Hop into our discord for a chat :slight_smile:

Hey i was going to jump into channel for a chat since my corp has kind of stopped playing, but I noticed friendly fire in UMAH is legal; why?

We all love to pew pew right?
But you might have misunderstood us, we do not shot our friendlys, blue or anything like that :smiley:

UMAH is expanding, growing in all timezones, keeping a active group is our goal, 24/7. - Do your application here!
Come chat with me on our discord server!

We support all playstyles! Just have the right mindset and I’m sure we can figure something out <3


Corp looking to expand - if you are coming alone, returning to EVE, coming in a group, corp? Just jump into our discord, ping me and lets chat :slight_smile: We are looking to expand in all timezones <3

Friendly fire allows in highsec to web freighter without Concord interference.
Otherwise shooting blue is not allowed.

It’s Friday! And Friday means just as all other days that we are open to cool chilled ppl with EVE hunger! :slight_smile: We operate in SOV and NPC mainly… we have a mixed playstyle and timezone!

Come join our discord and have a chat with me!

Tune in :slight_smile: Discord

^^ All info is above <3 We are looking to grow with chill, solid players :slight_smile:

Still looking for growth <3

Join our Discord for a chat! <3

Join the fun, get cap rdy! <3

Hop onboard our discord for a chat!

Ghost, ghost, number eight
Bumped his head on the gate.
The gate swung in,
The gate swung out.
And hear him shout: …BOO!

Our recruitment is Open, join us !


It’s friday! Looking for a new corp?

We are spread around the clock so numbers is fairly high for a corp but we feel pretty tight and comfy :wink: Join our discord for a chat! Read first post for more info about us :wink:

o/ Looking for ppl all around the world to join into our community <3