Null-sec Corp recruiting well rounded, experienced pilots - UMAH [EU/US/AUNZ]

UMAH looking for expansion, single pilot, group of friends, corps? Everything is on the table <3 Jump into our discord for a chat! DISCORD

Looking to steady and slowly grow with experienced pilots :smiley:

Oh yes, we are around and kicking :smiley: Take a read on top post, jump into discord for a chat if you might be interested :slight_smile:

Still looking for more players all around the world. We are always aiming for active players, having a corporation active 24/7 with ppl all around the globe <3

Experienced, non toxic, teamplayer!

a nice solid group with a lot of experience.
excellent leadership organization
whatever your style you will have something to match here
did you read the description first?
yes, definitively, it’s all true.
do you feel ready?
join umah, you will never regret

HAVOC is at the door, new expansion hits today! Re-activate your EVE, tired of your dead corp? Seek us out on our discord (link above), follow recruitment steps and you are in for a ride for a active, friendly, all-content type of corp. Join UMAH <3

Sometimes … despite our corp name … we actually do fight :wink: haha…

Come join us - become a multi-playstyle pilot!

Looking for pilots from all around the world <3 enjoy your gametime, find a suitable corp, play EVE <3

Be part of a large corporation who seek activity all around the clock. Be part of a multi-playstyle/all timezone fun community in a large alliance (The Initiative). <3

Hop onboard our discord and get your gametime worth playing :slight_smile:

Looking to grow our community with experienced and non-douchebag-pilots <3 Hop onboard our discord for a chat!


returning player here (EU based). I would like to learn/do some PI and other stuff in a relaxed manner. my old char has some 35mil SP and ISK from the old days.

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Heya o7
Welcome back to EVE!

You can always hop on our discord but you do lack some SP to meet our minimum req sum.
Not saying it’s a hard pass but I would also recommend keeping your eyes open for other corps aswell, there are PLENTY out there <3

And hopefully it’s not so relaxed anymore and we can be in a day-to-day fleet war soon :wink:

Alive and kickin’ as always <3 We looking for growth, experienced pilots to null <3
Join before the coming large way :slight_smile:


Calling expericned EVE pilots with the heart in the right place <3 Be part of growing our corporation and support of in the coming 2024!

Get comfy in UMAH, fight, do indy, mine, explo, ratting … pretty much anything EVE offer is up for grabs <3

free bump for these dudes, good corp, even better human beings

<3 Looking for more pilots to join our community :slight_smile:

Wanna expant our corporation with more nice experienced pilots <3


We are looking forward to meet 2024 and new challenges… Be part of UMAH and experience teamwork, new friends and pretty much everything Eve offer :smiley: