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I don’t need to. All I have to do is point to the biggest one: your lack of evidence or proof.

I just showed you some. Thanks for underscoring your comprehensive failures for me.

You didn’t post any evidence or poof that CCP is implementing changes in order to sell more PLEX. Please try again, sweetie.

As though they’d ever come right out and say it. Keep living in your bubble. It’s OK with me…:::headpat:::

Nice sarcasm and posturing - still no proof or evidence?

I can’t help you with your cognitive dissonance. Some things you just have to take on faith. Prices will continue to rise, more PLEX will be sold. Don’t get mad at the rest of us who see this problem clearly, just because you don’t possess the same ability to think your way through it.

In case anyone is wondering, this is what narcissist personality disorder looks like. “Believe what I say; take it on faith. If you don’t believe me, that’s a failure on your part”.

Ronin, you are a joke. I don’t have to take anything you say on faith. Keep trying.

Concurrent player numbers significantly lower right now. Also new player numbers appear to be tanking. I guess the next few weeks will tell the story. Could this be Blackout debacle #2?

I never suggested you had to. I suggested it might be a good idea. But you’d rather troll someone’s concerns about the direction the game is going, using the logic and reasoning of a 12 year old. I can’t (or won’t) produce a spreadsheet in response to your bait? Please. That’s ‘I know you are, but what am I’ silliness if I ever heard it. ALL I have to do to bear out the validity of my original argument is to WAIT. There’s no need to spoon feed you in the meantime. Get over yourself.

Yeah yeah bud, try to walk it back, IDC.

Not really interested in whatever toxic and paranoid drivel you have. Money talks, BS walks. Start posting proof or evidence or I’m gonna dismiss you. Permanently.

Ok, you’re not wrong about his personality. We are, however, seeing evidence already that his points are valid.


Oh, however WILL I manage? Tell ya what, sunshine. In the above post is the current market avg. of that Vargur. TODAY’s number. Let’s revisit the topic in three months, and you can stutter your way through trying to tell me how full of sh*t I am again, about how prices aren’t rising in response to the current changes. How about it? I will ALLOW that it doesn’t empirically prove additional PLEX sales, but since we won’t we be privy to those numbers, we can still strongly infer that the game has become more expensive to play as a result of that higher priced market. In any event, I will continue to believe CCP is doing it to drive those sales, and I won’t be asking the likes of you to see if it’s OK to have that belief. How about it? You game?

Careful now. He will rail and scream and demand that you prove that assertion somehow.

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I know I want to be around to see it. That aside, I wasn’t in game for a period of time, and it seems to cover the blackout timeframe. What exactly happened there? From the bits and pieces I’ve read, sounds like a lot of people left the game?

We can’t see what people bought from ccp. We can see some general numbers in market history though.

You harm gatecampers by depriving them of a kill and ship builders by depriving them of the sale of a new ship, module builders of the sale of new modules.

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Awww, poor baby.
Can I have you stuff?

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We can see that overall volume of PLEX movement has declined, as has the price, and as has the number of people selling.