Nullification and Warp Module Update – Live Now!

During the Blackout experiment Local was disabled in Nullsec, making it much like WH. The nullbears screamed and screamed and screamed until they were sick…and started logging off in large numbers, leading to a bit of a crash in the figures. As always, CCP responded to Null by reinstating local. Go to WH space to get a feel for what Blackout was actually like - I kinda liked it tbh.

These current changes are different in that they appear to be aimed more at nerfing haulers, miners and solo/small groups rather than big alliance blocks in null. The effect, as far as I can tell so far, will be to make nullsec much more impregnable to solo or small groups, thanks to less countermeasures against warp bubbles, and to make Uedama an even better hunting ground for gankers.

Tbh it hasn’t had that much of an effect on me but it certainly will if it discourages Hi sec ppl and newbros from the game. Also I cannot see how it assists CCPs stated aim to encourage more caps to venture into Lo and Null secs.


With this currently in effect could what Katia Sae did exploring every system in eve occur with these changes?

I’m going to venture a guess and say no. Why celebrate something then make it impossible?


Oh I know ‘what’ it was. I just didn’t realize players quit in droves over it. Thx, though for the input.

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I’ll just wait for Goonswarm to find the exploit in it then watch as they walk away with trillions of isk…again.


After the speed changes you did in 2008 , THIS IS THE WORST PATCH YOU EVER DID!!! This absolutely DESTROYED the gameplay i loved for 17 years!!! The only fun ship left in the game was the interceptor and you just… destroyed it! A VERY SINCERE FUCCCKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUU CCCCCPPPPPP!!!


Such an overworked reply, such an old cliché, can’t you find something more intelligent to offer? In fact, I tend to agree with you about people rage-quitting but come on, find some less tired response - or did you think you’d invented it?

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Are you the type that sits and waits for some hardworking explorer to come along and then pounce and take their stuff?. Petty, lazy gankers who don’t have abilities to actually work for a living so they steal from others. You?


So bonus for duration of inderdicton nullifier on t3s is actualy penalty and not bonus and here is why :

(For those who dont know yet you have to active module that will give you nullification for some time before you initiate warp)

If you are flying “nullified” t3 most of the time you are not gonna have align time more then 10-12s (me pesonaly not more then 5s), so those 18s (with t1 version its only 8s) that are needless just adds to your overal waiting time to be able reactivate it again, wich total is 50s with t1 version and 60s with t2 version (30s activation time and 30s reactivation delay). So when you are not stopping between jumping through the gates on your route (for example you just traveling or you hunting for blops and speed is important) and gates are close like under 20 au, after another jump you have to wait for that reactivation delay so you wont end up in some drag bubble you dont know about. So if you would have default time without “bonus” its 10s activation time with t1 and 15s with t2, in total 40s and 45s, what is considerably less then with the “bonus”.

(yes i know not everybody has to be using “nullified” t3s like i do but honestly i havent seen other reasons, and i was using t3s as cargo haulers and still had align time less then 10s)

And second point of this if you have not had enough of my winning 😃 , why would you use t2 version of that module if it doesnt give your any bonus comapre to t1 version ? (im still talking about nullified t3s and not haulers and such)

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Following my earlier post about the number of ships that any small, widely-spread corp might need to refit as a result of these changes, I’ve just tried to take advantage of the fact that there are far fewer pilots in losec at the moment than usual - yes really, at least 10% down at a guess (I’m not going into nullsec until I have built some nullifiers for the scout). Hoping to find some gas, ice or whatever without being bothered by strangers appearing in local, off I pop, alt all probed up and ready … oh wait, the alt’s scanner ship needs a refit, some of my own industrials need a refit. I’m not entirely useless at module logistics but this will mean another 30+ trip to Jita or wherever, plus the return, then of course I will have forgotten something. This is just for one of my several areas of operation. It is going to take me weeks to adjust to these changes, weeks lost that I could have spent finding materials, hacking the peculiar stuff that people need and I am now reduced to using BRs to run the product - which reduces my craic-per-hour by a huge margin. Can I be bothered? Probably, though I could have done with a lot more advanced warning, even a date as to when it was all going to happen rather than just a week on a test server. The BPs situation is still bolloxed and this was way too much to lay down in one “upgrade” without due preparation.

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Ever done this trick in a DST? Just asking because I’m eager to learn…

To me this update looks a bit rushed.

WCS’s , I found them to be annoying on ratting gilas and ishtars but if your goal was to nerf those in particular Indy pilots and exploration pilots are just collateral damage now. Could’ve reduced bounty gain / no escalation chance.
But with the current state it has just become to predictable.

Shuttle nullified - Nice for mainly alphas and newer player to move around in nullsec

T3c/Inty changes will make nullbloc life a lot more easy as the inevitable increase of anchorable bubbles will slow all hostile traffic. Roaming gangs take time to finally reach a good system to find out that everything is of course docked. Only to be dropped on the way back in one of the bubbles by the HD fleet.

I am genuinely interested in CCP’s motives for these changes


Good analysis…like you I’m mystified as to the purpose.

Nice player drop after last ‘fix’.

Nice work CCP. Few more patches like that and Eve will be dead by Christmas.


I saw some of the PLEX discussion and that got me thinking.

Before I begin, I’ll preface this with the fact that it’s late where I am and I’m tired, but on the topic of PLEX and CCP revenue, I wanted to crunch some numbers.

These are “ballpark” figures, and I’ve tried to provide as much transparency here. Feel free to critique the assumptions and the approach. And if I’m way off base, do let me know. I’ve just been curious how much of CCP’s revenue is PLEX vs Subscription (just because I find it interesting), so this is my first real crack at trying to figure out without doing a dive into Google search results.

If we look at EVE Marketer and get a daily PLEX volume, we see a volume of over a million (1,000,000*) per day. If we assume** the most popular plex plan is 500 for $20 USD, then 1,000,000 daily plex / $20 per 500 PLEX yields 2,000 daily PLEX transactions totaling $40,000 - per day. Assuming 30 days per month, that’s $1.2 million.

Juxtapose that with $15**** for Omega times 30,000**** active users at peak and we see $450,000 per month.

Now for sake of discussion, let’s say that there are 300,000 paying subscribers ( - that’d be $4.5 million per month compared to $1.2 million per month of plex. Under that, effectively 25% of revenue would be from PLEX sales.*****

And I think that’s pretty neat. And now I go to sleep.

Notes: * Real number is higher, I just like the simple math
** I don’t know what is the most popular, but substitute with your favorite. Values may change, but probably not by an order of magnitude.
*** I know this doesn’t account for players that cover Omega costs with PLEX
**** Please do substitute with the total number of paid Omega subscribers, I used the first number I found scrolling up a few comments
***** Yes this ignores a lot of other things, but it’s not like we have SEC reports to go off of here

One can only hope that this will be the case. A company with that kind of delusions and that kind of bad development quality shouldn’t be on the market.


Actually if you look carefully, its a bunch of the cloaky camping alts returning to Jita to skill extract and biomass.

Don’t get me wrong. Eve is a great game, but bad decisions could kill it easy. I do not want it to happen. Hope CCP realizes that before it is too late.


Мне надоели, просто надоели эти изменения. Вчера нерфили капиталы и супера, сегодня цептора. Вы когда остановитесь? Играть становиться невозможно. То, что сегодня казалось стабильным, ты становился специалистом в этой области уже завтра меняется. Если хотите превратить Еву в донатную игру и выжать ее в краткие сроки, так и скажите. Ваши то “без локала”, то " активные дроны", надоело. 5 числа у меня подходит оплата аккаунтов. Оплачу только один, основу, чисто для пассивной прокачки.


Я знаю хороших цепторов, которые всю игру ими и играли, знаю как им больно. И моим одних из любимых кораблей был цептор. Меня вроде это затронуло немного, но я понимаю, сегодня убивают кого-то, завтра-тебя. Как писал один коммунист-" Позавчера убивали евреев-я молчал, вчера-социалистов- я молчал, сегодня убивают таких как я -уже некому заступиться". Я за ту Еву, которая жила больше 15 лет и которая не жила, получить максимум прибыли и открывать новый проект. И против того, чтобы поступиться кем-нибудь сегодня, чтобы через некоторое время заставить и меня уйти из игры. Лучше решить здесь и сейчас.


Все изменеия беруться от новой команды, которая уже запорола анроидную версию Евы, которая как и все браузерки заорола ее для прибыли. Игра, которая жила для интереса и прибыли и былаа в этом плане гармоничная, теперь под командой “эффективных менеджеров”, целькоторых в минимальное время получить максимальную прибыль и потом хоть трава не расти. Погли накуй, пидарасы.