Nullification and WCS Updates – testing has begun!

Why? Why did the CCP decide that this update is exactly what it is worth spending resources on? Why did the CCP decide that nulifaer is a problem and it needs to be nerfed? Don’t we have smartbomb cemps, or can’t we catch 2 sec ceptors anyway? I know, that Eve is about pain, but noone wants those changes, noone needs it.


Might as well just remove it from the game at this point, why are we even wasting time with these changes? THIS DOES NOT ADDRESS ANY OF THE CORE ISSUES WITH THE GAME! nor does it bring in or retain players.


Has someone thought of the Crow, by the way? This ceptor is again shafted hard. The second time after the last round of ceptor nerfs.


If you’re going to make these changes, you should at least make it so dictor and hictor bubbles trigger a weapons timer (which was a good idea even before these changes).
The ease with which dictors bubble both sides of a gate instantaneously is completely broken - especially if you now have to choose on which side of the gate you want to have your nullification active.

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As an old bittervet who remembers EvE before nulilfication, the removal of brain dead options for getting out of camps seems like a good thing. Nullified ships were frequently nearly impossible to catch, and they still will be. Now there is some actual game play involved if you want your nullified ship to survive, and that can only be a good thing.

The whiners in this thread suffer from a lack of imagination and/or don’t know how to play the game. Travel-ceptors aren’t even dead. They are just more difficult to use.

The expansion of ships that can be nullified is a bit more concerning, but I can hold judgment on that to see how it plays out. Some of the new options, like stealth bomber, could be extremely fun.

Are SB Machariels not a thing any more ?

I could tank a Malediction for up to 4 faction SB Machs on one single gate and still get a chance to get out alive … not 2 gates, only 1, but it did give me a chance.

No way you’ll prevent SmartBomber gate camps all over.

Say bye to clone movement.

It’s CCP’s choice, and I’m fine with it, they made the game, they own it, so be it.

I just won Eve. Ty CCP.



I don’t like complain like Zhalyd but, whot’s the point of change core stabs and nullification ??
They were fine as it is
Does that mean that i have to spend 800m thanks to this change ?


After raging about the changes earlier, giving things a deep think, and cooling off a little, I think that they could be made workable given the following adjustments.

  1. Give ceptors a role bonus to remove the scan res and targeting range penalties
  2. Make the nullification module a high slot mod
  3. Give ceptors a role bonus removing the fitting requirements of the nullification module

This would allow for the nullification limitations to still apply (only being nullified for a small amount of time ever minute and a half or so), while removing the needless penalties that severely hurt ceptors. Making the module a high and removing fitting requirements in particular allows ceptors to maintain current tank levels (which, let’s be hones, isn’t much) while also fitting the nullification module.

Like this, these changes still hurt ceptors, hunting ceptors in particular (which makes botting easier), but it makes the nerf manageable.

Great point!

I agree with you , the problem is that these changes come at the wrong time , the game right now as it is has way more important issues that need to be addressed , has a f* up economy , f*up industry , scarcity is still going but nothing fruitful has come out of it , according to CCP the point of scarcity was to make players move around nomadic like and get better rewards for it , but hey now they nerf the way we travel …
Really , this is made at a bad time and it’s something no one asked for , just like the EoM invasion that they are wasting resources on it.

  1. Interceptors are not OP: you always get insta-locked if the guys on the other side are ready with a proper fitted ship. Why make life easier for gate campers? Do you really think that if the whole server starts to gate camp your revenues will increase? You can EASILY die in an interceptor!!!

  2. There are 1000 more things to do in this game and you are just “joking” about it. We put in hours and hours and money into this game and you’re acting like you just want to take all the fun out of it. Tank it more please! My subscription is ending in 2 days. Thank you for coming out with this bright ideea to destroy interceptors cause it helps me make a decision!


Can we please get a shuttle warp speed and acceleration increase then? If they are going to become the premier travel item, at least make their warp speed worthy of a pod with extra engines.

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Newbie eve player here but anyone can see this is a straight up force them to loose more ships and buy more plex update , specially newer players who might want to try mining/shipment/explorer stuff.


to make travel more dangerous, CCP ought to encourage more of this, not change nullification.

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Although I am not a fan of making more ships nullifiable, at least the duration is low and penalties severe enough to use them that it might be ok.

Fix the F***** cloaking campers


Jaw Dropping

I began to read thinking you were going to make gate ganking HARDER and instead you are making it easier.





Come on CCP just leave interceptors alone. It’s hard enough to travel around NS with them without getting blapped by smart bombers. Why are you pandering to the gate campers???


But the title is:

"The Great Escape" - the podex ! :slight_smile:

I ■■■■■■■ hate pvp and wormholers. They always come and kill my mining ships when I am watching anime yiff in my other monitor. Its not fair. They need to add pvp flags to this game. Stop catering to risk averse wormholers that run away from every fight in their ■■■■■■■ nano ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ cloaky ■■■■ ships!!!