Nullification and WCS Updates – testing has begun!

I may have been lucky in some cases, but I also have set up tactical bookmarks on all the gates that I frequent that do not have nearby celestials. Anomalies work sometimes, but the best way to avoid bubbles is to be prepared.

I tried to play in the new meta but between the nullification and the cloaking changes my entire game style as a T3C hunter living behind enemy lines became so much hassle I simply couldn’t be bothered any longer and un-subscribed all three of my accounts. This wasn’t just a solo decision on my part but was echoed by many in the small (but extremely active) PvP group I was a member of.

Now a month on I 'd like t get the opinions of other T3C hunters and proponents of asymmetric warfare. Are you still paying? Have you been able to adapt or did you move on to other things? Is T3C hunting even still a thing? Or even, is it better than before?

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I only recently got into T3C hunting, just after the nullification changes went live, so I cannot compare it well to how it used to be before that.

But I rather like that I can have a nullified T3C to run through bubbled gates when the locals are trying to trap me, even when I’m not using the nullified subsystem.

The main hassle is that you need to know when to online and when to offline the nullification module, because you would rather not have it online when you’re catch a target because of the severe targeting penalties, but you really don’t want to have it offline when the Sabre jumps with you to the next system.

The warp core stabilization change means I only need to have a single point to catch ratters, that’s a nice change too.

The final straw. Thanks for making my core play styles completely untenable. Destruction of small/solo industry, (was about to get my production going), prices for all ships increasing exponentially (just finished training a phoenix for solo HAW, but not for 11B), now making explo and solo roam/hunt pointless (God forbid that tiny percentage of purpose fit frigs and maybe cruisers slip through a gate camp, oh the camper butt pain!).

It’s a shame that EVE has devolved into a P2W grindhouse, but that’s the whole world now.
CCP bean counters with player overlords (CSM) and their cattle with credit cards: enjoy your game. It will be without me and many other ‘regular’ players. Both my accounts with MCT’s gone.

I’ll leave you with something you all love:


Join the club!

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Yeah, all the training it takes to get into a T3, these changes make those ships absolutely unplayable. Interceptor or T3, if both sides of a gate are bubbled, there is no “great escape” Even alluding to a great escape is laughable. A T3 might be able to cloak up, if no one is close, but when trapped in a bubble, it won’t stay cloaked long. CCP’s goal is to make the game unplayable for old and new players alike, from resistance nerfs making everything easier to kill, mineral nerfs making everything more expensive to build/buy, and now ships that take an extensive amount of training, and training that can be lost if the ship dies, due to unneeded interdiction changes? Where’s the risk reward for T3 pilots? 100% capture rate in any bubbled gate camp and lose some skill points?

You may not have heard, but they are at least removing the t3c SP loss.

Its really too bad that some people believe that the only activity worth engaging in is destroying things. What they fail to understand is that there wouldn’t be anything to destroy if someone didn’t take the time and effort to make it in the first place.
I too restrict my activities to mining only. I’ve played the game since day 1 and the game was at its height when it supported mining and manufacturing. Then the PvP contingent turned the game into a ‘sandbox’ allowing people with weak personalities and the inability to chart a long term course to spend their days terrorizing people that just want to mine in peace.
Its the primary reason I dont leave regulated space.
Space isn’t dangerous, some people are just predators.


I agree with what Wintiki said. EvE advertises all the activities it offers, but the reality is most of those activities are not really safe anywhere in EvE unless you are part of a big group that is prepared for attacks. That is not for everyone for a number of reasons. Some people prefer to work alone or in small groups and/or want to be able to focus on their focused activity. EvE is supposed to be a game, but you can spend hours trying to get setup everything needed to do simple tasks making this game more like a job.

Before this update WCSes were rarely useful and after the update they are useless. The one thing they did right was add the ability for additional ships to have limited nullification, but IMO the cycle time is way too long and ships that had native nullification should have kept that meaning they should not require the nullification modules. Additionally, as this is an active module it should also protect provide some protection against targeted attacks. For WCSes, the benefit could have been you are limited to one, but it would passively add strength based on the module, skills, ship bonuses, and when activated it would add more based on the same things.

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And even then it’s not safe.

Which is kind of the point: you’re not supposed to be completely ‘safe’ while doing anything undocked in EVE.

WCS were often useful on non-combat ships and after the update they’re twice as strong per module, but limited in amount and time. I really like how they are now, easily equipped on any industrial yet with much bigger sacrifices for combat drone ships.

The addition of limited nullification is nice (and perhaps a bit too powerful) and the cycle time is good - it’s up often enough when you know how to fly, yet the cooldown is also long enough that the only ships that can repeatedly ignore bubbles in combat are the ships that are bonused for it: interceptors and T3C with the right subsystem.

These modules should never be implemented, it’s a bad idea. Nullification wasn’t broken.

Join the club as well.

I can count on one hand the number of times i nullified a t3

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